A brief outline of the story is that she goes to a party and gets tricked into going to an audition to star in a porn film and she gets the part but her part is cut and the film is a big flop.
In my opinion Lesley is an Easy lay because she sleeps with Spud, Terry, Kenny, and Gaunter. All of these people miss lead her into sleeping with her foe example Kenny asks her to see if she wants to come and see his sick cat on his bed and she falls for it.
The writing Alan Bennett makes us think that Lesley is cheap and easy because he makes her going round sleeping around he uses all the other characters to do this. He makes all the other the characters talk to her as she is a little 5 year old girl because they all talk down to her and she is stupid.
Lesley feels about herself that sleeping with all them men is good because people want to sleep with her she is doing something right to attract men. She is trying to create the impression that she is a successful and famous actress by referring to Tess which was a successful film yes but she was only a extra on the back of a cart. But she is really giving an impression that she is a cheap and nasty slut. I feel that the impression about her being cheap & nasty is easier to believe because she is more successful in this impression than the other one.
Even though it is only a monologue and we only see her version of events the writer Alan Bennett lets us see what other characters think of her by going sleeping around this effects our opinion because this is the side we only see.
Alan Bennett uses the monologue to give us a bad impression about Lesley because we only see Lesley side of points which is the side the writer Alan Bennett wants us to see.
Alan Bennett uses the monologue to give us a good impression about Lesley because again we only see one side and makes us feel sorry for Lesley because she is miss lead by all these men.
Yes I agree with the statement that is made at the beginning of the essay because she doesn’t say all of this about her feelings we get all of this from what she doesn’t say so yes I do agree with the statement.