The Antrim Coast and Glens is an area of in , designated as an in 1988. This area has wonderful cliffs and coast views with the clear sea water, which offers tourists a sense of freshness and relaxation. This particular area has a unique vibe and very popular with tourists. This area offers fantastic photo opportunities with its picturesque views.
This island is one of the only places in the UK that has palm trees. It gets good climate from the Atlantic. It is very unsual to find palm trees in the UK. This island resembles islands that are located in the Caribbean. This offers tourists a chance to relax and enjoy the place. The sea water is extremely clear and there’s which makes the sea life visible to the naked eye.
The Surrey Hills is a 422 km² Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, located in Surrey, England. The AONB was designated in 1958 and covers one quarter of the county of Surrey. The grandeur and beauty of these hills embrace an amazing variety of countryside from rolling chalk downs and flower rich grasslands, to acid heaths and woodlands. This gives tourists a chance to discover the finest landscapes in England. Visitors can get a chance to watch birds in the woodlands.
Ashton Court is a 5.3 adjacent to the , near the village of , . There has been fossils found in this particular region, hence the scientific interest has increased. This is very popular with walkers and historians who have previously researched this place and went to get a first-hand experience on what it offers.
Cannock Chase District is located between Stafford and Birmingham and contains the district centres of Cannock, Hednesford and Rugeley. As its name suggests, the Chase was once the expansive sweep of a great medieval royal hunting forest. Today it is a surprisingly remote area of high sandstone heather and bracken heathland with birch woodland and extensive pine plantations. People can get a chance to explore the wonderful mountains; this area is also popular with cyclists as has open space for people to cycle and explore the mountains.
Tamar Valley
Rising on the borders of Cornwall and Devon, the rivers Tamar, Tavy and Lynher, form one of the last, unspoilt drowned valley river systems in England. This area gives visitors a sense of solitude and tranquillity. People have lived in the Tamar Valley for centuries, and the diverse scenery reflects the impact of their activities in an area rich in natural resources. Boat trips are available in this region and offer some phenomenal views.
Kent Downs
Kent Downs is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Kent, England. They are the eastern half of the North Downs and stretch from the London/Surrey borders to the White Cliffs of Dover. This area is especially used for walking. There are fantastic mountains to see and great wildlife to explore.
Lodge Hill
Lodge Hill, part of a newly-expanded Site of Special Scientific Interest, is a proposed major development site on the Hoo Peninsula in Medway. The site supports approximately 1.3% of the national nightingale population as well as a wide variety of other scarce, declining and protected wildlife. This particular area is very popular with visitors from all over the UK. Wildlife lovers in particular love visiting this Lodge Hill as it gives them a chance to explore and study their chosen animal.
Abbey St Bathans Woodlands
Traditional eg walking
The Lake District offers great opportunities for walking. It has a range of sights to visit and explore. The Lake District is the largest national park in England and is home to Scafell Pike. The Lake District National Park has walks for every ability from ambles around lakes to high ridge walks, with a bit of scrambling - climbing over rocks without a rope. They run map reading sessions; this is aimed to improve mad reading and allows visitors to navigate around the Lake District by foot. There are hundreds of walking routs ava lable.
Modern pursuits eg. mountain biking
The Ideal location for mountain biking is the peak district. It offers phenomenal views and great areas of natural beauty to explore. The Peak District is very well maintained and protected. There are a range of bike paths that cyclists can take. Visitors can get the chance to hire a bike; this will be convenient for the cyclists as they can get easy access to a bike. Cycling in the Peak District National Park is a gentle way of improving your health and well-being, and riding on our traffic free cycling trails with gentle gradients surrounded by beautiful countryside is much more fun than pounding the treadmill at your local gym. The bike hire place is next to a park. This allows visitors to park their cars and hire out a bike from the local area.
Special interest tourism
Freshwater diving is a company based in the Lake District. It offers visitors the chance to gain a scuba diving qualification. Training is provided by professional. There is a range of wildlife under the lake that people can explore. In terms of areas of special interest, the Lake District is a prime location. The Peak district also has areas of special interest due to its rich culture and heritage.
Passive interest bird watching
Windermere Lake cruises are one of the best cruises in the country. The Peak district in immense in size which can only be a positive thing, as it offers more places to explore on the boat. There are a various number of cruises that can be taken all offering something different thus making it an enjoyable experience for the passenger by offering certain packages which can incorporate the various attractions. This offers versatility to the visitors and ensures that they have a good experience.
Active interest
The Peak District allows visitors to do a range of activities. You can participate in the majority of outdoor activities in the Peak District including Hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, canoeing etc.. The tranquillity that Peak District offers is physically, mentally and emotionally relaxing. The Peak District’s rivers are renowned for their quality and are among the best in Britain. Excellent river fishing is available on various rivers throughout the Peak District including the Wye, Derwent, and Dove known for their rainbow trout, wild brown trout, and grayling.
Most national parks give visitors educational opportunities. A substantial number of people that visit the Peak District are schools/colleges groups. It offers a range of educational opportunities, ranging from history to science. The natural caves formed thousands of years ago are fascinating to look at. The rivers and woodlands can related to somebody’s science work and environmental subjects. Geography students frequently visit the Peak district as it is an absolutely stunning piece of land.
Peak District
The Peak District is an upland area in central and northern England, lying mainly in northern , it also covers parts of , , , and and . Tourism is the major local employment for the residents (24%), with manufacturing industries (19%) and (12%) also being important; only 12% are employed in agriculture due it being managed by the government. The Peak District has provided many opportunities for people to do the things they adore along the years. The Dark Peak is the wilder northern part of the Peak District. In comparison to the white Peak, the underlying limestone is covered by a cap of Millstone Grit, which means in winter the soil all saturated with water. The white Peak is the lower southern part. Caves and river valleys are common in the white Peaks.
There are a number of activities that can be performed in the Peak District. Cycling is very popular, people enjoy cycling along the woodlands connect with nature, explore the beautiful woodlands and inhale fresh air. This makes visitors want to go to the Peak District, as it offers them tranquility. For instance, a business man who has a very busy city life would enjoy going cycling to the Peak District as it will help them relax their mind and clear the stress. Natural attractions have a profound effect on the human being, as it’s relaxing and soothing. Horsing riding is also very popular in the Peak District. It is an opportunity for people from all ages to ride their horses in the spacious Peaks. However, this particular area is dominated by females. Having the ability to move in open space is a great gift that the Peak District offers. This motivates visitors who are keen or horse riding. The Peak District offers them a sense of liberty and independence.
The Peak District is welcomes to thousands of fishermen and women every year. It makes a great day out for a retired pensioner accompanied by his grandson. Usually this particular area is dominated by people aged 50+. As people get old it becomes increasingly difficult to participate in sports and activities that require strong physique. Fishing is usually a family tradition that gets passed on from generation to generation. It is enjoyed by people from all over the UK. The Peak District sets a perfect scene for someone who wants to fish. In terms of what motivated people to go the Peak District, it has wonderful rivers that flow elegantly and contain various species.
Some of the world's most experienced climbers and cavers learned their craft on the dramatic rock faces and amid the honeycomb of caverns in the Peak District. In the Peak District, they offer beginners clear instructions on to Rock climb. The Peak District has some of the best climbing mountains in the country. Visitors are motivated by getting the thrill and adventure. Usually people, who like these kinds of sports, are very brave and audacious. This kind of activity is usually dominated by people aged 18-30 as it requires the person to be at the best of their physique.
Camping has grown in popularity recently. More and more people are choosing to go camping to the Peak District to enjoy nature. The camping experience in the Peak District is exceptional and very unique. Many people from all ages have camped in the Peak District and describe their experience as being adventurous. Many students who chose to do the Duke of Edinburgh award sleep a night in the Peak district. Students are motivated by the survival techniques they learn and also learn how to be independent. These are very important factors that contribute into making a person successful in future life. During their night stay. They will have to do some orienteering. This shows the Peak District is very educational and is teaching the new generation very important life lessons.