Emotionally and socially needs
In childhood stage they still dependents on their parent to provide for them a stable, loving home for them and food. Adult need to make sure that they create physical and emotional safe environment. Although during primary school children should feel they belonging and they are safe, because that will develop their self-esteem and in this age they don’t need low self-esteem and that because it may harm them and that will reflect on their self and they will feel depress.
However if the child found the needs that he needed in his family or friends and his relationship with him is good that will influences his self-esteem.
Also socially the children need to communicate with the people
Physically and intellectually needs
In adolescences stage the young people will develop more skills and it will increase and they will be better understanding and that because as they grow they will be able to be towards adulthood. Although they will be more independent then before they will be able to care their self example they will be able to feed their self, dressing and washing. Also in this stage the care needs include good educational opportunities and they will develop practical and intellectual skills. Also they will be able to make their decision by their self and they will be able to solve their problem. Although in this age the care needs that they needs is support them and make them the wanted and loved, because that will make them to develop more skills and be more confident on their self.
Emotionally and socially needs
In this stage they need to belong to a family or care group may still be important and that is very important in their stage because that will make them feel that they wanted and also that will help them to fit in with groups that is own their age without problems. Although when they fit with the people and make friendship with them that will help to development of self-esteem and in their age they need to develop their self-esteem to keep them socializes more with the people.
Although adolescences in this age they copy each other example styles to feel better than other young people on their age and that because appearances in this age is important to them and makes their self-esteem increase and that is not bad us it keep their self-esteem increase.
Also they will be more independent then before they will be able to make their own choose about their physical needs and also choose their own friendship.
Physically and intellectually needs
Many adults receive practical helps and support and that because they cannot make their own physical needs example food, being without a job (no money) and that will makes them don’t live independently in their life and wait support from the other people example income support.
Intellectually they will be fewer skills or they will decrease in their skills, so in this age they needs to get more skills or go to college because education will keep their skill increasing.
Also in this age their self-esteem is not like before, so they need support and also encourage them, so their self esteem develop and increase.
Same old people when they get in this age they think that they too old to learn and they get impress when they go to college, so they need support from their family and friends to persuade them.
Emotionally and socially needs
In this age they will need to feel safe and respected. Emotionally they will need to feel that they are not workload on the others, because that will affect their self-image.
They will dependent on people to provide their physical need and that will affect their emotional and make them feel that they are worthless, so in this situation the care needs that they need is emotional support from their family, friends and the community that they live in to keep them up and increase their self esteem.
Socially they will need to feel that they are wanted, so they can get confident and socialise with the people more without frightened , although their self-esteem and self-image is influenced by the way that the people treat them example the way that their family treat them, friends and the community that they live in.
The care needs is to increase their self-esteem by make them wanted, respect them, understanding them and make them feel that they safe.
Older age
Physically and intellectually needs
In this age the older people needs support in their physical care needs example bathing, dressing and making them food, although older people they cannot make their physical needs and that because the physical problems they may have.
older people needs to have support from their family, friends and the community that they live in to make them feel that they wanted and there is people that care about them.
Intellectually their skills will decrease and they may face problems in their brain development and that will makes them forget things, so in this situation they need to cheer them up and help them memories things, because that will help their brain.
Emotionally and socially needs
Same older people are not respected, not treated well and that may will harm them emotionally, because in this age they will need support example treated well and respected them.
Although that may makes them feel that they worthless and that because the way they treated.
In this age they the care needs is to feel that they wanted, respected, support them, love them and also they need to feel safe from the people, because that will keep their confident increase and have self-esteem to their selves.
Socially they need to communicate with the people and have relationships, because that will reflect their self-esteem and makes them more confident in their selves.