Introductory visit/initial assessment of child
Introductory visit/initial assessment of child
The aim of my visit is to find out all I can about the child I am studying and the environment which he lives in. This information will help me to plan all my research and further visits to the child.
The date of my visit to the child was the 16th of February 2006. The name of the child I am studying is Brandon and he is 3 yrs and 6 moths old.
Physical Description:
Brandon has short blonde hair, lovely big bright blue eyes. He is slightly tanned, His shoe size is 10. He weighs 3 stone which is average for his age and he also is 98 cm which is tall for his age. He has quite a rounded face, with a small dainty nose and a little mouth.
Brandon is not a shy child he is always talking and is very confident to who he talks too. He is very playful and enjoys company of all ages.
Brandon is very strong-willed and likes to have his own way all the time. He sometimes has his tantrums when he cant get his own way and when he is tired, Brandon loses his temper quite easily. He is a very loving and caring child. Brandon showed h was loving and caring when on my visit his mum had just had a new born baby, Brandon passed her, her slippers and helped her with the new baby which showed me that he was loving and caring.
Home/local environment:
the type of family Brandon lives in is a Step family he lives with his mother, father, grandmother ( she comes over too look after the children), his bothers (Danny which is 4 week old , Michael aged 7 , Adam aged 15 and he also has 1 half brother called Harley aged 12 and a sister called Jodie aged 15). Brandon is the second to youngest in the family. He has had no serious illnesses and he has received all of the injections on the immunisation programme.
Bandon began to crawl at 6 months old. His first word was 'mummy' when he was nine months old.
His favourite toys are cars and action figures.
He also love to watch dvd's ( he also knows how too work he dvd player) he also loves too play on the play station (his favourite game is 'Spiderman').
Brandon and his family live in town in a two-storey detached house, Brandon shares a bedroom with his older brother Michael. The house has a big back garden and quite a small front garden.
the regular ...
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Bandon began to crawl at 6 months old. His first word was 'mummy' when he was nine months old.
His favourite toys are cars and action figures.
He also love to watch dvd's ( he also knows how too work he dvd player) he also loves too play on the play station (his favourite game is 'Spiderman').
Brandon and his family live in town in a two-storey detached house, Brandon shares a bedroom with his older brother Michael. The house has a big back garden and quite a small front garden.
the regular things Brandon enjoys are playing outside(playing football etc. with his brothers) playing on the play station.
Physical development:
Physical development comes under different categories;
Gross motor skills are where the child uses all the large muscles in the body, for example in running, climbing, hopping, skipping, rolling, balancing, etc.
Fine motor skills are where the child uses muscles for hand-eye co-ordination, pincer grip and other single movements, which aids skill such as drawing, writing, sewing, etc.
Sensory development uses the five senses which are sight, smell, sound, touch, taste and smell.
Physically Brandon can walk, run, skip, hop using both feet, catch and kick a ball, he also has very good co-ordination skills and balancing skills and shows good spatial awareness.
He has an awareness of the senses if sight, sound, taste, touch and smell.
He also is very able to use his body to achieve her aims. Brandon meets all the developmental milestones of a child of his age.
Intellectual development :
Intellectual development covers a wide range of skills, such as problem solving, understanding and making sense of the world around them, reasoning skills, recognition, and making sense of their five senses. Intellectual development enables a child to question and to understand when they need help. It also includes sequencing skill, following instructions, being able to explain what they have done, develop concepts and learn basic skills in area's such as mathematics, language and literacy, knowledge and understanding of the world and creative development.
Language :
Brandon shows good language skills and is able to pronounce words correctly. He can also recognise letters from the alphabet as well but Brandon cant read yet but he picks up instructions from games and tells you what too do but he makes the rules up as he goes along. He also recognises colours (red, blue, yellow, green, black, orange and pink.)
He also likes to sing along to songs and nursery rhymes. He has a very good memory and remembers things he has done.
Brandon is very advanced with his language for his age and has reached all of the milestones.
Emotional development :
Emotional development covers the child's feelings regarding herself and other people, self awareness and the development of self-esteem, confidence, a sense of right and wrong and an awareness of who she is and how h interacts with the world around him.
Brandon is very confident, happy child who sometimes shows some jealously and possessiveness over his things and the people he cares for. If his brothers get too do things and he cant, he doesn't understand he isn't old enough yet.
Brandon is a very strong willed child who likes to have his own way all of the time. He's very independent and does a lot of things for himself . He often loses his temper with other children if he does not get his own way but he often takes time to forgive them, he is very capable for asking for help if he needs any.
He's very good at mixing with other children because he has older brothers and a sister he isn't really afraid of anything just things such as the dark.
He is also a loving and caring child and is aware of other peoples emotions. He comforts them if they are upset by cuddling them .
He shows a god emotional development skills and meets most if not all of the criteria.
Social development :
Social development includes the child's relationship with others, and how to interact in a socially accepted manner in order to mix with her peers and adults as well as the world around him.
Brandon confidently mixes with adults and other children, he is also a very sociable little boy.
Regarding his independent skills, he is able to go o he toilet by himself but needs help when buttoning his trousers back up.
He responds well to praise and acknowledgement and is eager to please. He is confident when he is separated from his mother. He is a very friendly little boy who is able to adjust his behaviour for different people. He knows very little about doing right or wrong because he tends to always like getting his own way.
He meets all of the criteria and is a very confident upfront and friendly child who shows good self-esteem.
Evaluation of introductory visit
The visit to my child I think went really well, I already had a very good relationship with the child already so it made the visit much more easier.
In my visit i met all of my aims which was too find out all i can about my child and focusing on PIES, physical, intellectual, emotional and social development because he was co-operative which made it easier.
I found it easy too ask questions because his mum and bothers where really helpful.
If i did my visit again I would not really change everything because overall my visit was successful in the long run.