Unit 1 P4 and Unit 4 P1

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Describe the social and political factors that make people different from each other

In the following document I am going to look at the social and political factors that make people different from each other. The four categories that I am going to examine are age, gender, social class and ethnicity.


Age is the length of time in which a human being has existed. There are a number of different age groups in society. People are usually grouped as children, youths, young adults, middle-ages and elderly. People in each group share experiences. They also have something different to offer society. For example, elderly people are wise and working adults make contributions to the economy. People in different age groups may live, think and behave differently but are equally important and should have equal opportunities in life. Factors that make people different from each other concerning age are:

  • Abilities: as people get older they have had more experience in life than someone who is still a youth. For example, an adult has more knowledge about life and can deal with difficult situations. An adult can make a decision within a couple of minutes whereas a child may take a couple of hours to decide what to do. On the other hand as you get older you start to lose your memory making it hard for you to remember information that years ago would have been easy to remember. Your reactions aren’t as quick which could be a risk if you are in a situation where you have to react quickly.
  • Looks: as you grow older your looks change, we all start off as babies and as the years go by we change, we grow taller, we start to look older, a child who is 10 years old is going to look different to a middle-ages woman because they don’t have wrinkles, there face hasn’t had time to mature and they haven’t fully grown yet. You can usually tell somebody’s age by the way they look for example if a person has a lot of wrinkles you know that they are older than a person who doesn’t have any.
  • Interests: as you get older your interests change, for example when you’re a youth your main interest might be fashion, make-up, music but when you become an adult your main interest might be decorating your house, gardening, shopping or DIY. When you become older you might find it hard to have a hobby that is physical so you may take an interest in reading, walking on the beach or watching television.
  • Level of Education: up to the age of 16 your education is compulsory, after you have taken your GCSEs you have the choice to continue onto college or sixth form until the age of 18 which is free but not compulsory. After the age of 18 you may continue onto university but you have to pay for it. If you decide that you want to go back to college or university when you are older because you want to gain more qualifications you can but it isn’t free and also your brain doesn’t remember things as easy once you get older so you may have to work a lot harder than if you had done it 10 years ago.
  • Law: your age determines what you can do in the law a lot. Up to the age of 16 you can’t legally play the lottery or get a full time job. Up to the age of 17 you can’t legally drive a car. Up to the age of 18 you can’t legally drink or buy cigarettes. Up to the age of 21 you can’t legally buy alcohol from a shop. As you get older you can do all these things legally but in some countries when you are over the age of 70 you have to retake your driving test  and  if you are classed as a risk to the road your driving licence may be taken off you.  
  • How you are treated by others (responsibilities, respect): when you are an adult people tend to have more respect for you and treat you like an adult, as an adult you have a lot of responsibility as you may have children, pets that you need to look after. Also you have to make sure that you can keep a regular income and can afford food and other essential items. When you are a child you don’t really have many responsibilities as your parents tend to do everything for you and make sure that you get to school, have enough money and are safe. You don’t need to have a job or buy food.  
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Gender is to do with a person’s sex. We fall into two groups –male and female. Different groups in society have different expectations of the way men and women should look and behave, and the society in which boys and girls grow up influences the roles they adopt as adults. Factors that make people different from each other concerning gender are:

  • Job: men may have a better chance at getting a job such as a builder, plasterer or mechanic than a women. Even though women can get jobs in beauty, health and many more they ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This is a well thought out essay. It covers the ways that different factors make people unique. The writer could enhance their work by including a little more research to back up their ideas and show a little more depth to their ideas. A few more examples would really help to extend the work too. ****