How useful are sources A, B and C to a historian studying the attitudes of British soldiers to their commanders during the First World War?

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Ben  Hall        -  -

How useful are sources A, B and C to a historian studying the attitudes of British soldiers to their commanders during the First World War?

The three sources; A, B and C show different opinions of soldiers towards their generals in World War One. Source A is a cartoon which was published in the British ‘Punch’ magazine during 1916. Source B is an extract from a BBC television series called ‘Blackadder Goes Forth’. Source C is the view of Earl Haig, the son of Field Marshal Haig, quoted in the newspaper The Daily Telegraph in November 1998.

Source A displays a pessimistic opinion towards British Generals during the war. The cartoon displays a regiment of soldiers grouped together before a practice attack. The Major-General asks a Sergeant-Major the differences between a mock attack and the real thing, the Sergeant-Major replies by saying that at the real battle the General would be absent. This source puts across the view that soldiers believed that while it wasn’t dangerous the generals were prepared to be their to oversee everything, but as soon as their own life became endangered they wished to be behind their own trenches in a nice warm house. It also shows that soldiers viewed the Generals as cowards as they were happy making all the important decisions such as sending them ‘over the top’ but were not their to back them up.

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However there are limitations to the usefulness of this source. One limitation is the fact that as it is a cartoon we cannot tell how many soldiers had this view of their Generals. Also the source of this source is unknown; it may have been produced by a soldier or an individual in Britain. Another limitation is that the magazine ‘Punch’ was read by the more critical person. This source is however still a very valuable source as I believe that the attitude of the cartoon would have reflected the views of many soldiers in the war at this time, ...

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