Was Germany treated fairly by the treaty of Versailles 1919?

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Hassan Alomari

Was Germany treated fairly by the treaty of Versailles 1919?

I will be discussing whether the treaty of Versailles was fair on Germany. I will make my final decision on how fair it was by looking at the good and bad things. The positive things and the negative things. I will be weighing up these things to come to my decision.

The Treaty of Versailles

Three men made the treaty, David Lloyd George representing Great Britain, Georges Clemenceau representing France and Woodrow Wilson representing the U.S.A. It was made to bring peace back into Europe and make sure there wasn’t another war. I think it was unfair that Germany could not have a representative who would fight for them and try and convince the three men not to be so harsh on them. They were not allowed to have any body there because they decided that the Germany should take the blame for starting the war. The thing was that they didn’t. The terms of the treaty were:

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  • Alsace-Lorraine had to be given back to France
  • Germany lost part of its country to Belgium, Denmark and Poland
  • Germany was not allowed to keep it’s land it won of Russia
  • The Saar coalfields were to be taken over by France
  • Germany lost all it’s colonies in Africa and East Asia
  • Germany was forbidden with uniting with Austria
  • The German army was reduced to only 100,000 men
  • The German navy was only allowed 6 battleships and no submarines
  • No German troops were allowed in the Rhineland
  • Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war
  • Germany had ...

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