Why did the Versailles Treaty arouse such opposition in Germany?

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Why did the Versailles Treaty arouse such opposition in Germany?

Many people believe that the Versailles Treaty was to blame for the long term undermining of the Weimar Republic. There would have been no way that the German people would have accepted the treaty unless the Allies hadn’t threatened to continue the war and dismember Germany. This was because German propaganda had shielded the people from what was really happening on the fronts.

One of the main reasons the German people rejected the treaty so much was because they would have had no idea what was happening at the front apart from what they would read in biased German newspapers. So when defeat came the people were completely unprepared for it. For several months before the war ended the German people had been suffering from hunger and starvation due to the blockade of German ports and a food shortage in 1918, so when the war ended they expected this to end but it didn’t. Many Germans also expected favourable terms in the peace treaty like they had received when the treaty of Brest Litovsk was signed with Russia in march 1918, which ended fighting on the Eastern front. In this treaty Germany had received huge land gains in Russia, but these were taken away by the allies in the treaty of Versailles. This increased the shock effect of the treaty, which the new German government had no choice but to sign.

Another thing, which added to the shock effect of the treaty, was that only a few of Wilson’s fourteen points had been incorporated into it. The self-determination clause was to be used for the smaller nations in Europe these included Poland and Czechoslovakia. This clause meant that people would vote on which country they wished to belong to, but for Germany much of its territory and many of its citizens were handed over to Poland without voting. The German people were outraged by this, as a much larger majority of the population in these areas were German, which went against the idea of self-determination. The League of Nations was also set up, this was meant to be based upon people of the same culture and language living together. Germany was excluded from this. This made Germany appear to be an insignificant power in Europe which many proud German nationalists could not except these were also the same people who founded the “stab in the back myth” and would later lead to right wing unrest in the Weimar Republic.

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France pushed for an anti-German agenda mainly because much of its territory was used as a battleground and had received huge casualties and financial debts. This was also the case for Britain who had built up huge debts to the Americans to pay for the war. Some of the financial terms placed on Germany effectively crippled it. The treaty stated that Germany had to pay financial reparations to the British and French. This meant that the countries gold supply could be taken as well as industrial assets, which included railway stock as well as major industrial areas. From the ...

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