Why was Nazi opposition limited between the years 1933-39?
Hitler came into power in 1933 through manipulation of the parliamentary system, which he then proceeded to destroy. The death of Hindenburg in 1934 allowed Hitler to claim himself as President, chancellor and Fuhrer. During this period the number of opposing parties was limited. This was because of many reasons. In this essay I will try to explain these reasons.
It could be argued that there were many negative things Hitler did to gain support, for example Nazi propaganda. On the 27th of February Hitler blamed the communists for starting the Reichstag fire, which led to an anti communist feeling. It is believed this put across the idea that communists were enemies to democracy and they had no respect for German history thus loosing support. Furthermore this allowed Hitler to introduce the decree for “protection of the people and state” that allowed Hitler to arrest all communist deputies (banning them from the Reichstag giving Hitler a political advantage) without trial thus gaining a 2/3 majority by collating with the DNVP. (Hitler also allowed the catholic centre party to continue running their schools in return for their support- Concordat) This decree also marked the end of press freedom which meant that Hitler could fully manipulate the German people into voting Nazi through the media. Text books were re-written to promote Nazi ideas in schools and teachers were required to join the Nazi teachers association. After Hitler had gained a majority and came into power he introduced the “Enabling Act” (23rd March) that allowed Hitler to have dictatorial powers, for example his cabinet granted him 4 years in power as a dictator. The enabling act allowed Hitler to alter the constitution as he saw fit. Hitler then proceeded to dissolve all the other political parties and gained control of everything.