Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by the Germans in 1940-41?

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Year 11 History

Assignment one

Britain in the age of total War

  1. Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by the Germans in 1940-41?

The start of the Blitz is remembered as Black Saturday which was that evening when the first German planes flew the English Channel and bombed British Cities, this was the 7th September 1940, it was called the blitz which meant ‘total war’ the word came from “Blitzkrieg” which means lightning war.

The British was bombed 67 nights out of 68 from the 7th September to the 13th November 1940. The first time British civilians were attacked was on the 24th august 1940where some German Raiders got lucky and lost and in result bombed London. The following night 80 British planes were sent to Berlin and caused havoc. On the first night of the blitz Britain was unprepared and therefore over 200 people died.

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The blitz was part of Hitler’s ‘Operation Sea lion’ which ended in the invasion of Britain. Hitler’s promise to his German people was that no Germans would be hurt from bombings, this was massively untrue.  

The main objective of the Blitz for Hitler was to demonstrate the strength of his new improved Luftwaffe by bombing and completely destroying British cities such as London,, Birmingham and Hull. By these means three other objectives that Hitler had set would be achieved, one being the destruction of industrial areas and factory’s that are vital to Britain’s war effort. Two ...

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