ICT GCSE Coursework - Documentation.

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ICT GCSE Coursework – Documentation

For our ICT GCSE Data handling coursework, we were asked to compile a database of second hand vehicles using current information from local garage advertisement, newspapers and leaflet. This database will act as a vehicle location service for someone wishing to obtain details on the availability of certain models.

The database software that I will use for this coursework is Microsoft Excel. I decided to use this program because it is very simple and easy to use and can carry out all the necessary tasks that I need to do.

The first thing that I needed to do for this project was to gather information for about 50 cars. I can do this in many ways by looking on the Internet, reading magazines (auto-trader), or by asking people about there cars. But before I could carry out this task, I needed to know what fields I will be using. The fields are the information that will be collected about the cars. I decided to use the fields:

  • Make
  • Model
  • Reg/year
  • Engine size
  • Price
  • Colour
  • Petrol

I chose these fields because they are the most common characteristics of a car and can be collected easily. I could just look at a car and tell you the make, model, reg, engine size, colour and petrol of the car. Theses fields are also the most significant information that a customer would want. A costumer would like to mainly know the fields I have chosen to see if they would like to buy the car.

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        Once the fields that I am going to use had been decided, I drew a simple table of theses fields so that I could gather information quickly. This was a data capture sheet. Now I needed to capture the data. I found that the simplest way to get the information I needed on the cars was to look in the Auto Trader. The Auto Trader provided me with all the information on the fields that I needed, and also provided me with a wide range of models and makes so that I could vary all the cars that I had ...

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