Flight Spreadsheet Report. The task we had to complete was to find prices of flights to Belfast from London (with return flight) and compare the prices in a spreadsheet document.
Flight Spreadsheet Report Introduction The task we had to complete was to find prices of flights to Belfast from London (with return flight) and compare the prices in a spreadsheet document. This was so the class could pay the least price for the flights to and from Belfast Choice of ICT Application I chose Microsoft Office's Excel to complete the task with because it is comparably user friendly to competitors and it is an easily accessible piece of software that the school has already bought for me to use. I also used Internet Explorer in order to research the airlines and find prices. Information Sources Used I found information, including the prices that I used in the second spread sheet, on the airline's websites: Flybe.com, Flybmi.com and Easyjet.com. Below are the screenshots of the websites I used. Results of the Investigation The cheapest airline surveyed, according to my spread sheet, is Easyjet who offer the flights for £2638.9. This is because, as advertised, they offered no cost to the passenger, only the taxes had to be paid. We did not include any group discounts to any airlines as it was not advertised on the website. The spread sheet can be viewed here. How ICT was used to find a solution Without the internet, we would have to ring up the airline or even go to an airport or travel agent in order to book a flight. In Microsoft Excel, we set up the
Database System and Development.
Databases A database is a collection of related data items, which are linked and structured so that data can be accessed in a number of ways. A simple database consists of only one set of data. This is called a flat file database. There are six fields in this database:- Name: Caroline Evans Date of birth: 15/06/83 Colour of hair: Brown Colour of eyes: Blue Weight: 50 kilograms Height: 155cm Functions of a database A database program on a computer is designed to hold information (data). Often the amount of information stored is very large and it would take a long time for us to search through this information if it were written on paper. Holding the information in a database enables us to search very quickly and to sort the information easily. The required data can then be printed out on a report. Fields Each record of a database contains fields where the information is stored. When a new database is being designed, many database packages request the user to specify the type of data that will be entered into each of the fields. This allows the computer to process the data effectively and
How useful are databases for businesses today?
How useful are Databases for Businesses to day? I am going to plan an investigation into how useful databases are for a company in the 21st century. Firstly I am going to explain what a database is. A database is a collection of data that can be used as information. It is understandable as information because of the headings and structure used in the database file. -A FILE is the information given in a subject e.g. Patients records. -A RECORD is a set of information about one given thing e.g. one patients record would contain just information about that person. -A FILE is one piece of information in a record; it also gives meaning to a list of, otherwise meaningless, information e.g. the field heading 'First name' gives meaning to a list of words such as 'Emma', 'Joe', 'Frank' and 'Tom'. -A QUERY is a search of the database for a certain piece of information that could be useful to you, e.g. if you want to sell a platinum credit card then you could do a search for people living in a certain area and then send the information to those people using a mail merge. Alternatively, if you worked in a doctors surgery you could do a search of people who needed a booster jab. -A MAIL MERGE is a letter containing the results of the query sent to certain people who would possibly be interested in that certain information. The type of information that a business might want to
Selecting the best software for a theatre business.
Introduction Bob Dixon owns a small Theatre in Woodford Green, it is called "Woodford Green Theatre". His theatre is not the best in London but it is highly rated. He has 1 theatre and hosts 1 show every month. His theatre may be quite small but it is old and worth a lot of money, a lot of the theatre has been refurbished and made more modern, but the only thing still not up to date is his way of working.. Since he opened the theatre he has used a paper based system for everything. He has used it for financial records and writing out the tickets and everything in between. He needs a computer to, have an automated system of seating, and to keep record of booked tickets and seats. Problem Identified The problem with Bob's way of keeping record is that he uses a paper based system and he has to file this all the time, if he loses one piece of paper he can be really be in trouble. On a paper based system he has to calculate on his own, if he changes a number he will have to re-do the whole sheet again. And if he loses something he will not be able to get an accurate result in any area and this could mean that he thinks he has a profit when he actually has a loss. If he keeps his paper based system he will have a lot of trouble in the future and will find it hard to show his records. If he keeps the paper based system then he possibly may need to employ a new person just
The database I have created is for a movie shop. It will contain information about the members of the shop the information about the VHS's and DVD's.
A database is a quick, reliable way of storing data on a computer or a network. The old fashion way of storing data was in hundreds of paper files, this was very unreliable, time-consuming, and generally time more stress and hard work. With the aid of modern databases, you have the security of having back-up data ready in the event that the data is lost, you can find the data you need, usually with a click of the mouse and the most stress you will be under will be the stress of updating the data on a regular basis. A database usually consists of forms or tables with numbers and text. An example of database software, and usually the most common means, is Microsoft(r) Access. The database I have created is for a movie shop. It will contain information about the members of the shop the information about the VHS's and DVD's. It will help the user to identify all the members of the movie company and the movies owned by the store. When the database is completed, it will enable the user to search for a particular member or movie. It will also enable the user to put all the entries in any desired order. The data that is needed is the name of the VHS or DVD, the video or DVD number, the classification of the movie, the type of film, and the price of the movie. You will also need the member details. This includes their first name, surname, age, address, and home phone number, mobile
Project 1b; Film Database
Introduction This project will be about creating a database for a fictional video shop. I will have the aim to help the staff of this business by creating a database of videos/DVD's using current information from local Video stores, leaflets, newspapers and the internet. The database will help me to find out current information on which video or DVD has which features. The database will function as the basis of finding Videos and DVDs that are currently available in the store. Such a database is much more convenient, than one that is based on paper, since it is much quicker and is less susceptible to human error than a database that is based on paper. If the staff of the video shop did not have a database, severe problems would occur as the staff does not know which films are currently in stock and it is very likely that the needs of customers are not satisfied in time. E.g. a customer requests a movie for her son, but because the staff has not got the information where the video is and which videos are suitable it takes the member of staff about five minutes which results in the customer leaving without purchasing a movie. The following questions could have been asked by a member of staff or a customer that need to be answered by using the database: * Which films are in stock that are not more than three years old? * What action movies are there for my 12-year-old-son? *
The database is created due to need for a programme which could monitor a local youth club, which is responsible for arranging and organising music concerts for bands.
Task 1-User Requirements The database is created due to need for a programme which could monitor a local youth club, which is responsible for arranging and organising music concerts for bands. One of numerous objectives is to be able to store information this is its most basic function. Instead of relying on traditional methods of storing information in physical file folders and cabinets, a database provides digital storage of information as regards to potential bands. Furthermore an additional aspect which is considered vital is information concerning fans that have previously been present at concerts. A key aspect of the database which is essential to the potential success is the functionality, subsequently to search and store data would become effortless with a high-quality database. A database provides easy access to information. Because the information is centralized, the user has no need to look to other applications. All is provided through a singular database, and the information in the database can be used in publications with customer consent and querying a database should produce a quick result. When compared to locating the information manually, users find it a quicker way to gather desired information. Another reasoning behind this method is big advances in database technology allows multiple users to access and update information. This information will then be
Application Packages
Application Packages An application program or package (group of programs) enables the computer to tackle a specific task, such as writing a letter. Word Processing - for writing letters, reports and other documents. Examples: Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, FlexiWrite. Facilities include: easy editing of text, font & size changing, find & replace, spell checker, word count, mail merge (to import text from a database while printing each copy of a document). Data Handling - for creating databases. Examples: Microsoft Access, FlexiData. Facilities include: creation & editing of fields, sorting records and query searching, also ability to display data in graphical and chart form. Graphics Package - for drawing and painting. Examples: Microsoft Paintbrush, Corel PhotoPaint, Paintshop Pro. Facilities include: colour palette, various drawing, painting and editing tools. Desk-Top Publishing (DTP) - for producing posters, leaflets and newspapers. Examples: Microsoft Publisher, Adobe PageMaker. Facilities include: ability to import text and images from other programs or from disk plus ability to position them individually on the page. Usually have some text editing tools included. Spreadsheet Modelling - for producing invoices and cost plans. Can be used to create models, simulations or expert systems for others to use. Examples: Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3. Facilities include:
Testing database. Test plan 1 I am going to check my data restriction. To do so I am going to add a invalid data in the field price, whish is set in currency data type.
Testing Test plan 1 I am going to check my data restriction. To do so I am going to add a invalid data in the field price, whish is set in currency data type. The expected result that I am hoping for is that the system would prompt out a warning message. Testing 1 in this screen shot above I have opened my external product table where in price I have added a data restriction in price field. I have selected the field where I am going to add an ivalid data type In the screen shot I have change the data type. As soon as I did this the system prompted out that I have inserted an invalid data. This means I have got my resulted result thus meaning that my system works Test plan 2 I am going to check my data restriction. To do so I am going to add a invalid data in the field Delivery date, whish is set in Date data type. The expected result that I am hoping for is that the system would prompt out a warning message. Testing 2 in this screen shot above I have opened my external product table where in price I have added a data restriction in price field. I have selected the field where I am going to add an ivalid data type In the screen shot I have change the data type. As soon as I did this the system prompted out that I have inserted an invalid data. This means I have got my resulted result thus meaning that my system works Test plan 3 I will be testing on my drop
I have been assigned the task of an ICT support section of an up and coming web Development Company that dedicates itself to the incorporation of high-resolution graphics and video on web pages. Nevertheless their designs and solutions are restricted by the lack of decent hardware and software which is quickly becoming outdated in such a fast changing industry. They have reached out to me to resolve their predicament by asking me to put together a written report by researching the following * Computer system * Operating system * Video editing software * Web design software By doing this I have to build and appropriate system which is able to construct more complex websites. OPERATING SYSTEM In the table inserted in the next page is a list of 4 types of operating systems including windows vista premium, window XP professional, Linux and windows vista ultimate. In these next paragraphs before the table I will be comparing the four in slightly less detail than the table and give definitions on what each of the components are and what their functions are. So for the hardware side if things the four OS (operating systems) requirements vary quite a lot as the CPU (central processing unit) on vista premium, which is at 1 GHz, (Gigahertz) is a lot more then that of XP professional which is at 300 MHz (Megahertz). The CPU speed is how fast the computer will operate so if