Assignment 2 Pond area

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AS Use of Maths

Working with Calculus

Assignment 2: Pond Area


As part of the ‘Mathematical Garden’ a lake has been built, whose edges can be modelled by  y =10COS(0.08x)+15  and y =10SIN(0.08x)+25 between x = 0 and x = 60, which gives the picture below:

Finding the area

By numerical methods

To find an area between 2 lines, you find the area under one line and then subtract the area under the other.

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As there are 2 methods of finding the approximate area numerically, one will be used to find the area under one curve and the other method will be used for the 2nd curve. The calculator will then be used to find the exact answer to each and hence it will be possible to asses which mothod produces the best results.

Finding the area under y =10SIN(0.08x)+25 by the trapezium rule

A fairly good approximation could be gained by dividing the line into 3 sections each 20m wide.

The formula

 Area =½ width(h1+2h2+ .. +2hn-1+ hn)

= ½ ...

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