Maths Data handling think boys watch more TV than girls because boys have less work to do than the girls.

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*Data Handling*


My data handling is based on a school called Mayfield high school; my job will be to investigate “Which gender watches an average number of hours TV per week.” “Which gender are taller boys or girls?” “Weight between boys and girls”


  1. I think boys watch more TV than girls because boys have less work to do than the girls.
  1. I think that boys are taller than girls in some ways.
  1. I believe that girls weight less than boys because the girls are more into a healthy diet.

*Plan of Action*

For my investigation my data will be presented in tables to show my results. I will be calculating the median and mode.

I will be using Secondary data because I already have my data.

For my first hypothesis (I think boys watch more TV than girls because boys have less work to do than girls.) I will first pick out the data necessary for my first hypothesis. After I will put the entire male’s data on a table and the female’s data on another table, then I will find the highest and the lowest value, for both male and female in separate tables, then after finding my tally I will find my modal class or stem and leaf depending on witch hypothesis I am doing. With my modal class or stem and leaf I will be able to find the total of both genders and this will show me witch gender watches more TV.

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Then I will be able to compare my results with my hypothesis to show if the hypothesis is true or not.

After finding my totals I will do some graphs to compare and present my data.

At the end I will conclude my coursework with an overall conclusion of what I have done and what I have found out.


First Hypothesis

“Boys watch more TV than girls per week”


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