The Effects of Advertising On the Consumer

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The Effects of AdvertisingOn the ConsumerAdvertising is all around us, its everywhere we look from the televisions in our homes to the sides of local school buses. Its almost impossible to avoid. Since advertising is such a big part of our social and economical environment its important that we know what these images our doing to us. Advertising influences us in many ways, often we don't even notice its effects. This is why advertising has become such a controversial topic today in our society.Advertising is a business; everything in an advertisement is planed
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right down to the last word. However, we might ignore an ad if it was not filled with flashy slogans and excitement. The way ads are composed promote the consumer to buy unnecessary goods. We often will run out to buy a new product because an ad tell us the product is better then the last edition or because a well know "role model" has or uses the product. For example, because Grant Hill drinks "Sprite" if we drink it to we will be able to be like him. However these are just ploys to get us to buy the ...

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