Violence in the Media

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Thursday, 18 November 2010

For many years, violence in the media has been a major issue for producers and audiences. It has been considered especially carefully in relation to young audiences. This is because of many reasons including:

> The fact that children are young and vulnerable and some will do anything that you tell them to do, show them how to do or do yourself i.e. They copy

> Children can be naïve and may do anything that any of the rest of us that have learnt that it is wrong would never do or ever attempt to do. This can be dangerous to themselves and/or others. They are even more likely to do this if they see the person on the film enjoying doing this act eg. A person like a pirate being hanged and other people watching and laughing or enjoying it

> Children below a certain age do not have their own views or opinions on certain aspects. This can be quite dangerous because they may do everything that the people on TV, in the cinema or on the radio say. This can be a good thing as information learned at a young age stays in your mind, even if you cannot consciously remember it. This can involve things such as a TV advert telling you not to smoke or not to drive fast. It can also be a bad thing eg. The camera is in the first person of a gangster telling the person to go and kill someone.

I feel that this issue is important and that violence has some effect on an audience but without violence, all the major film, movie and TV companies would go bust. This is because almost all of the main films programmes and shows that people like watching contain some kind of violence whether it is "the matrix" or "you've been framed". There are very few programmes on the TV or at the cinema do not contain any violence whatsoever. Every film has even the tinniest trace of violence. Even films made purely for children below the age of 12 such as 'Recess, Schools out' and Children's cartoons like 'Tom and Jerry' or 'Recess' contain violence in one form or another whether it is towards people or animals
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This view is supported by my study of the following media products:

) The Matrix

2) Grand Theft Auto

3) Power Rangers

The film 'The Matrix' is useful to analyse as it has many scenes of violence. It is also quite a good film to use because I have watched it many, many times. This makes it a perfect piece for study. I also enjoy the film and think of it as a superb and highly entertaining film. This film could be considered a problem for young audiences because it contains scenes of excessive ...

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