Fitness Training Programme

Introduction: - For this assignment we are asked to design a fitness circuit for a sport of our choice. To do this, we need to record our results in each station, pulse rate: before and after the exercise and record our recovery time so we know how fit we've got after 5 weeks.

I have chosen cricket for my fitness circuit because cricket is a suitable sport for me and I have done a fitness programme before for my favourite sport, football so I thought it would be better if not to do the same sport again.

If I want to perform to the best of my ability I must avoid injury when training. To do this I must plan to be safe and take every precaution to stay safe. If I to get injured, I must know how to recognise and treat the injury so that I recover quickly. As individuals taking part in sport we need to prepare ourselves properly, prepare our dress and equipment properly and take part with the right attitude.


Prepare ourselves properly

We need to look our:

  • Health and fitness
  • Techniques and skills
  • Training
  • Warm up.

Prepare our dress and equipment properly

We need to make sure we have:

  • The right clothing and equipment
  • The right footwear
  • No jewellery.

Taking part with the right attitude

Join now!

We need to:

? Obey the rules

? Respect our opponents and follow etiquette

Principles of training

We need to train to improve our fitness. For steady progress and to avoid injury we should follow the SPORTprinciples:

1. Specificity

2. Progression

3. Overload

4. Reversibility

5. Tedium


Every type of exercise has a particular effect on the body. The type of training we choose must be right for the type of improvement we want to see. We must always use a training programme that puts regular stress on the muscle groups or body system that we want to develop. Our ...

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