Personal Exercise Programme

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Arran Bhatti 11C

Personal Exercise Programme GCSE P.E


My chosen sport: Football

Position: Right wing

The sport that I would like to make my improvements in is football. The aspects of the sport that I want to improve on are:



The reason that I want to improve my speed is because I play on the right wing in football, I am required to be fast in attacking and defending situations. For example if there is a corner taken on my side of the pitch and the ball comes out to me on the wing I can make a break, through using my speed to start a counter attack. In a defending situation I need to be able to cover the ground that I have exposed from attacking by sprinting from one side of the pitch to the other. This is why speed is very important in my position.

The reason that I want to improve my agility is because I play on the right wing in football, I am required to be able to change direction quickly and without any hesitation in order to beat defenders on the opposing team in attacking situations. For example if I get the ball in an attacking scenario, I need to be able to have good enough agility change direction quickly (to turn round the defender and put him on his weaker foot). This is why agility is an important component for a footballer.

Warm up & Cool down

A warm up is carried out at the beginning of every individual training session. The warm up includes running around the designated area and stretching at designated stretch points. In my warm up for each session there are two designated stretch points around the warm up area. The first stretch point stretches your lower body from bottom to top, such as:





The second stretch point stretches your upper body from top to bottom such as:






A warm up is important because it causes blood to flow around the body, prevents injury and mentally prepares you for training. The stretch and flexibility phase ease muscles and joints into positions appropriate to the activity. These can be static assisted (standing still while leaning on something) or dynamic (stretches while moving such as lunges).

 A cool down is in two phases, gentle aerobic and stretching. After the main activity, the body is gradually given a chance to return to the resting state. In the gentle aerobic phase the heart has a chance to gradually slow down and the muscles to relax. By completing a cool down, the heart rate reaches its resting rate sooner; this is called the recovery time. The heart therefore doesn’t have to work too hard for too long. These are the factors that affect the rate of recovery:

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Fitness level


Like the warm up, there is no set time for a cool down. By keeping blood circulating, it doesn’t have a chance to pool or collect in areas of the circulatory system.

Types of training

For my personal exercise programme I used two different types of training, these were:

Fartlek Training

Interval Training

I used Fartlek training as this was an effective way to improve my agility. I did this by making the individual stations that are needed to change pace were at sharp turning angles. This would help me ...

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