Andrew Speares        11k

Capital Punishment

  Should it be brought back in or not? I personally believe it should. However if it was brought back in, I do believe that it should be used with extreme care. Only the worst of the worst should be sentenced to death because the death sentence is an extremely serious and dangerous punishment; there are no half measures, it’s final. If someone is dead that – that’s it – gone – forever – never to be seen again. Life is so precious. You don’t mess with yours or anyone else’s.

    Some people don’t realise how precious it is, so many people don’t deserve it and yet they always have it but don’t really care, they don’t respect theirs or anyone else’s. If only you could take it and give it and it to someone else who does deserve it, would use it sensibly and make good use of it. In the last year I have lost two friends both of whom went to school with me. Life was taken from them for no reason. Two young fellows both very talented, smart, nice guys. Neither of whom lived to receive their A level results. The thought that some people leave school early and become wasters makes me angry. But what’s more, the thought that some people waste their own lives and then go and take others, it makes my blood boil with rage. I hate the thought of the death of an innocent person.

    I strongly believe that if someone takes an innocent life for no reason then they should be shot. They don’t deserve any respect as a human being for they did not respect an other’s right to live.

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    I don’t understand why people object to that. Some people believe that they should be thrown in jail but not killed. Why?

    Do you know that it cost the government (our taxes) $61.58 per day to keep a criminal in jail for a life sentence? That’s $22476.70 per year, over 25 years that adds up to $561917.5. Over half a million! You think how many people are sentenced to life. That’s an unreal sum of money. It should be either given to charity or given back to the country and public. But NO! Some waster has ...

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