Describe & explain why a Muslim might take part in the Hajj, And what does it involve.

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Name: Ben Gibb

 Describe & explain why a Muslim might take part in the Hajj

      And what does it involve.

Muslims might go on Hajj to be forgiven or to ‘cleanse and purify themselves not just physically but mentally’ When pilgrims arrive in Makkah they have to wear a set of clothing called Ihram. They wear a long white draped dress. Men wear two pieces of clothing, this is also used to burry them when they die. One piece is wrapped around the hip and the other is wrapped over the right shoulder, showing the right shoulder and this is called Ihram.

A woman wears a long white dress. Women are allowed to uncover their faces on hajj because men won’t look at them with lust. The Ihram is usually put on at a specific entry places into the vicinity of Makkah.


  When pilgrims go to the Ka’ba they chant and pray a prayer called ‘Talbiyah

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The Ka’ba lies in the middle of a sacred mosque. Muslims walk and circle the Ka’ba in an anti-clockwise direction seven times; while chanting prayers. Circling the Ka’ba seven times is known as Tawaf. Muslims perform tawaf as a group because it shows respect to Allah that you’re all working as a group. While at the Ka’ba they see Al-kiswah. The Al-kiswah is a black cloth hung over the Ka’ba all year round it is inscribed with gold writing which are verses from the . 

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