Describe how Jesus was presented as a worker of Miracles, giving examples from Lukes Gospel.
Describe how Jesus was presented as a worker of Miracles, giving examples from Luke’s Gospel.
In the Bible Jesus is shown to be God on earth, he does the work of God and performing miracles is part of that work. Luke believed that Jesus’ miracles were important because he wrote about them in his gospel. There are four types of miracles that Luke wrote about. The four are; healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons and showing power over nature. When Jesus heals he shows Gods love reaching to those who are sick. When he raises people from the dead he is showing that nothing can stop God not even death. Jesus shows that the kingdom of God is stronger and more powerful than the devil’s when he casts out demons from people, and when he shows his power over nature he is showing God can do marvellous and impossible things. God can take control of nature. Luke writes about these types of miracles to emphasize and show their importance and raising there profile
Jesus healed many people including ‘the woman who was bleeding’ (Luke 8:42-48), this miracle shows that if you have faith then you can be healed. A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years was in a crowd around Jesus, she went up and touched his cloak and was instantly healed. This miracle was performed when Jesus wasn’t fully aware of his actions; her faith was the characteristic that was strong enough for Jesus to heal her. People in those days may not have believed this girl because she is a woman but those who did would have had a strong belief that Jesus could heal. This is relevant for Christians today because all though we now believe more in medical reasons for getting better from an illness many people will still pray to God and Jesus for help at times when there loved ones are ill. God can help them through times and maybe not like in the woman bleeding make them miraculously better can help them get better over time and bring back their faith and health.