
By Luke Warner

Euthanasia is one of the most heated debates in society today. Many people oppose assisted-suicide, however numerous groups agree with it. So what is Euthanasia? What are the different views on it? Is it morally correct? Where is Euthanasia legalised? This essay will examine the different opinions, of the matter.

Euthanasia is the humane killing of a living being. It can be done in many ways. Simply unplugging a life-support machine or by using an overdose of a certain drug, can both end one’s life painlessly. Euthanasia is not only used on humans – animals and pets can also be put out of their misery if they are suffering. For example, if an animal is in a serious condition, then it may be granted the right to being “Put down”.

Animals are “put to sleep” by a vet, often by using an overdose of a drug. The methods used on animals are painless and not traumatic, to cause a peaceful, not painful death. They are also quick, so the drug is injected into the bloodstream. This drug is usually pentobarbital, however drugs are not the only method. Others include inhaling sevoflurane, injecting an intravenous injection (like pentobarbital) into the hearts cavities. Also in some cases the neck of the animal is snapped, to cause the paralysis of the whole body, leading to the instant death of the animal. But why would one have the animal put down? There are different reasons for this. One is if the animal is constantly getting worse, for example with cancer, and will certainly not get better, then it may be put down. If the animal is unable to walk, then it should be put out of its misery, due to its immense pain. Another reason that if the animal is abandoned, nobody will adopt it and there is no room in the animal shelter, then it will most likely be euthanized. There are some nation-wide animals shelters that do not allow any animal to be put down unless it is in a serious condition. “Dogs Trust” is a famous British animal shelter, which is notable for its slogan “We never put a healthy dog down”.

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Euthanasia in humans has been on the rise since the 19th Century. Even before, there were cases of euthanasia. But should euthanasia be legalised? There is much discussion over that topic. Euthanasia is only legal in some countries: Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Holland and some states in America. However, there is still a large fight to legalise euthanasia in other parts of the world. Assisted suicide is often attempted after a patient requests it. However, in some cases the person may be unable to talk, due to a degenerative disease, a coma or a vegetative state.

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