Should Capital Punishment Be Brought Back Into the U.K.?
Ed Daggett November 01 SHOULD CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BE BROUGHT BACK INTO THE U.K? In December 1969, hanging for murder was abolished in Britain. Since then there have been varying views and some still feel that the bible is right. In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." In other words if someone does something wrong then it should be done back to them. These days this is considered inhumane. I do not agree with capital punishment for any crime. I also think that if a person is killed for a murder then this is not a true punishment. A person should be given a life sentence instead. In prison the person's livelihood is taken away and they suffer and they have to think about what they have done and that is a real punishment. The U.K. is a very civilised country. It gives us the right of free speech and we live in an almost perfect democracy. Capital Punishment has been recognised as a civilised way of disposing a country of their unwanted criminals at one time in their history. This is true in the U.K. as well. Slowly countries that claim it is uncivilised to kill people for crimes they have committed have abolished the death penalty. I will also look at the impact of the death penalty on crime figures in Britain before and after 1969. Over the years countries have tried to
Capital punishment has been a very controversial issue for many years. It is illegal in many countries but in 2001, 66 people were put to death in the States and right now there are 167 prisoners on death row. In the film Dead Man Walking.
Capital punishment has been a very controversial issue for many years. It is illegal in many countries but in 2001, 66 people were put to death in the States and right now there are 167 prisoners on death row. In the film Dead Man Walking, it follows the incidents surrounding convicted murderer and rapist Matthew Poncelet. He has been on death row in Louisiana for six years and is soon to be executed after many appeals to the state and federal courts. Dead Man Walking deals with many issues surrounding capital punishment, and manages to present them in a fair and unbiased way. Whether you already have a view on capital punishment or not, this film will still challenge your perception of the issue. In the beginning, the first thing strikes us about the film is the music. As the titles appear on the screen, very spiritual, exotic music plays in the background. This is a bit of a strange choice, as the film is set in America, and normally this type of film would involve very orchestral, classical music (think Steven Spielberg type heart-rending epic scores.) This choice of music doesn't make the film overtly sentimental, and more 'down to earth.' If the director were to have chosen very classical music, it would undermine the film's credibility and the seriousness of the matter. Eddie Vedder, who is a well-known rock/folk musician also guest stars on the soundtrack, duetting
Wealth and poverty in Islam.
(b) I personally believe that there should be rich people in the world even though there are poor people as well. This enables the rich to support the poor through Sadaqah and Zakah. Through a Muslim point of view, there can be rich people, but they must help the poor because the Prophet said: 'None of you believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.' From the history of the Muslims we know that there can be rich people, even if there is poverty in the world. Many of the companions of the Prophet were very rich, but they were very generous with their wealth. They helped the poor and needy by giving away much of their wealth. This shows that a Muslim can be rich as long as he helps his Muslim brothers. I think the rich people have a right to help the poor. The wealth they have been blessed with is from Allah and they are just the guardians of it, and not the owners as many people seem to think. For this reason they have a duty to help the poor because this is a responsibility they have been given. In the Battle of Tabuk, many of the Companions of the Prophet generously gave their wealth in order to help the Muslims provide for the battle. Some people think that the rich should not help the poor because they are lazy and not very hardworking. This is true in the sense that the rich work hard to earn their wealth, so they deserve the reward they get
Capital punishment is the infliction of death by an authorized public authority as punishment for a crime.
Capital punishment is the infliction of death by an authorized public authority as punishment for a crime. In most jurisdictions where it remains, its use is limited to those who have been convicted of murder, although in some countries where its use is more frequent it is imposed as a penalty for other offences such as armed robbery (in certain African countries), large-scale embezzlement of state property (the former Soviet Union), rape and gang-fighting (China), and drug-trafficking (Thailand). A UN survey in 1990 revealed that forty-three countries had abolished the death penalty entirely, seventeen had retained it but only for exceptional crimes such as treason, twenty-four had retained it but not used it for at least ten years, and ninety-seven were still using it. The abolitionist countries were widely scattered, including, for example, the Philippines and Namibia, but were mostly to be found in Europe and Latin America. Although the number of abolitionist states had doubled since the previous survey in 1967, the UN found unwavering official support for capital punishment in many countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Islamic law (the sharia) imposes capital punishment for certain offences, and capital punishment is enforced in those countries where the sharia forms the legal code, and in many countries where the sharia is drawn on as the basis for the legal
A place of Muslim Worship
R.S Coursework Option 1 A Place of Muslim Worship A mosque is mainly used as a Muslim house of prayer. In Arabic, a mosque is called a masjid. This literally means that it is a 'place of prostration' (where muslims lie with the face down) as an act of submission to Allah. Most mosques are usually more than just a place of worship. They are used as a centre of community for Muslims. Apart from prayer, a mosque is used as a Madrasa (mosque school) where Muslim children go to learn the basic principles of Islam, as well as how to carry out Muslim practices and recite the Qur'an. The main service in a mosque is on Friday. All males are expected to attend unless they are ill or travelling. Women should also try to attend if they can. They do not have to attend but if they do, they must pray separately from men. Describe the main features of a specific mosque I am going to discuss and describe the main features of the Sultan mosque in Istanbul, which is sometimes called the 'Blue mosque.' Here is a picture of the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, and Hippodrome. The last great majestic mosque, The Blue Mosque, was founded by Sultan Ahmet I and built by the architect Mehmet Aga between 1609 and 1616. Sultan Ahmet wanted to beat Justin Ian and his Hagia Sophia mosque, and on the other hand, architect Mehmet Aga wanted to be better than his master Sinan with Hippodrome.
What does Christianity teach about human responsibility for the world?
Religion, Poverty and Wealth Rachel Stevens Religious Studies Coursework a.) What does Christianity teach about human responsibility for the world? All Christians believe that the world and everything in it have been created by God. They believe that the world is holy, special, divine, worthy of respect and honour. 'The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.' Psalm 24:1-2 Because 'the earth is the Lord's', Christians believe they are stewards or caretakers. They should be committed to the proper management of the world and its resources. Since the earth has been delegated to people by God they have to manage it responsibly and productively for the sake of both their own and subsequent generations. The following bible quotes tell us that everything belongs to God. God made the mountains, the sea, dry land and the skies. They also show that God's creation reveals his greatness: 'For the Lord is the great God... In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands form the dry land' Psalm 95:3-6 Christianity teaches us that God is the God of nature, as well as of religion. God made the physical universe, sustains it, and still pronounces it good.
Your Majesty, I request an elimination of Francisco Pizarro from this sacred and holy mission.
Your Majesty, I, Miguel Estete, your humble servant, am writing this letter to report on the various issues that have arisen since we left our well-governed country. I am to report on Francisco Pizarro, our inept and ineffectual leader, the vicious inhabitants that we have encountered, and the progress of our expedition. Your Highness may find this advice to be quite astounding, but I request an elimination of Francisco Pizarro from this sacred and holy mission. My reasons being his foolhardy ideas and disrespectful attitude towards your Excellency. Evidently, his unacceptable manner disgraces not only your name. He has absolutely no respect for respected figures, and has proved this so by, as I was enquiring about his fragile state as way of a passing comment, he foolishly stated that your highness is wicked, his exact words being "If it's wickedness I'm sure the crown can guess it as soon as the Army". Indeed, you must not let such a sly, deceiving man take charge of such an honourable mission. Why, he even considers himself above representatives of the king and that he need not wait for them when it comes to important ceremonial procedures, for example, when our weapons were being blessed. May I also add, your majesty, that Francisco Pizarro may be slightly too old to take charge of such a royal escapade for he is indeed over 60 years in age. He is
" God gives life and only God can take it away". Do you agree or disagree?
" God gives life and only God can take it away". Do you agree or disagree? I neither agree nor disagree with this statement, for I believe that it has relevance in only certain circumstances. I can understand why many Christians would think this statement as true as many biblical passages show this. I also think that it is a fundamental belief of Christianity to believe that, "God gave life". There are many passages in the Bible that say this, like in Genesis 1: 27, 28 and Genesis 2: 7: "So god created man in his own image, in the image of god he created him; male and female he created them. And God said to them, ""have dominion over every living thing that moves upon the earth."" And- "Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being" Some Christian churches do believe that only, God has the right to take life away. They may think that under very special circumstances it is allowed to take away life, to permit abortion. All Christians believe that life is sacred and every attempt should be made to try and protect it. However some Christian denominations (except The Roman Catholic Church) agree that within certain circumstances it is all right to abort (or terminate) the foetus. I agree with abortion being carried out, but only within certain, very serious circumstances. I
" No Christian should ever have an abortion."
Essay " No Christian should ever have an abortion." This statement is very controversial - people can believe it completely or can have doubts. It all depends on which branch of Christianity you are a part of. The Roman Catholic Church is the firmest believer in this statement. They do not consider abortion any different from infanticide - when a parent murders their child. They believe that abortion is a very serious crime, and that it should be punished by law. Because of this firm standing against abortion, it is not unusual for a catholic family to have lots of children. They believe that, no matter the circumstances, the pregnancy should be seen through. If you are a Roman Catholic, then you are supposed to believe that abortion should be punished by law. The United States Methodists are a little more lenient on the subject. They also consider abortion a very serious matter, but stop short on saying that it should be punished by law. They simply say that it is a very serious crime. They do not allow abortions, but they do not think it suitable to punish anybody who participates in any part of an abortion. By saying that abortion is a sin, they hope that the person concerned will feel guilty and will not go ahead with the abortion. The Church of England are undecided about this subject. No church could possibly say that abortion is a good thing. The Church of England
"Abortion is never justified." Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.
Rachel Third 10AT Religious Education Coursework "Abortion is never justified." Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. The statement, "Abortion is never justified," means that no circumstance or situation makes a procured, deliberate abortion morally acceptable. The abortion debate is a delicate issue, as each individual case is unique and there are many different circumstances to consider. I do not agree with the question statement, as I believe that in some extreme cases the termination of a pregnancy may be the lesser of two evils. For example, in the case of a rape many people would agree that an abortion would be justified. The Church of England state that under this circumstance an abortion may be morally legitimate, due to the need to have "compassion for the mother," Synod 1993. Christians believe that God calls them to "Love thy neighbour as thy self" as it says in Leviticus 19:18, and so by showing care and understanding towards a rape victim they are putting this commandment into action. The Baptist church agrees, recognising that in a fallen world the taking of the life of the foetus might be the "lesser of two evils." ProChoice groups, such as the "ProChoice Alliance", would say that abortion is a tragedy, but in some cases it is the least