Many Christians are actually involved in politics as a member of parliament or a government employee. In History there are many accounts of Christians being involved in politics. Lord Shaftesbury in the nineteenth century protested against the terrible working conditions in British Factories and also, there being a lack of education and healthcare services for children of the more lower class poorer families. William Wilberforce famously campaigned for the abolishment of slavery which he did successfully. And a few years ago Christian Archbishop Desmond Tutu campaigned against the current issues of racism and racial segregation in South Africa. So the link between politics and Christianity isn’t nonexistent and as shown from the examples above there those who believe Christians should be in politics because it would be good for Christianity and for making laws.
Some Christians argue that it is important to have a government that puts the will of God, before money, power, dominance and self interest. If this type of government were to assemble then it might mean there would a government that puts something that’s good for society ahead of helping wealthy people and companies to grow financial better. The government would then build things like hospitals and schools. This is backed in the gospel of Matthew when the verse 19-20 state: Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourself treasures in heaven.
The Bible talks about the importance of one performing good deeds whereas it isn’t just sufficient for someone to state they believe in God. Thy must prove this. Christians argue that they should try to make the government act in a morally ‘right/correct’ way. This means a government in power would have respect human rights, care for the elderly, the poor and needy and there would have to be a fair system of law and order. This has been already established in Britain/England as the UK is predominantly Christian and the faith is the Christianity and since this country, England is a civil country these rules have already been established.
In a report called Faith in the City the Church of Church tried to outline the need for a government to be more concerned about the poor and needy in the more lower classed towns and cities. And in an article written by the Catholic Church it outlined about how politics, economics and culture and human living can combine to help man achieve the perfection of their humanity. Christians also believe it is their responsibility to protest against corrupt governments. This can be linked to the Stauffenberg plot with the Reverend named Dietrich Bonhoeffer who believed that he should attempt to overthrow Hitler and he protested in a banned radio broadcast in 1933.
Other Christians believe that religion and politics don’t collaborate with each other. Christians say that a Christian should be more involved in trying to further their spiritual sense i.e. spiritual development rather than waste time with politics. They claim that Christians should be more concerned on doing loving actions and loving people but society isn’t run in a religious manner. Also Britain is made up with a mix of religions and cultures and all religions should therefore stay out of politics.
St Paul said that Christians should follow their political leaders as their status has being given to them by God and so God is in charge of politics of the world and Christians should accept their leaders. For Christians the challenge is to obey the government who propose non-Christians views. Jesus in his time avoided being drawn into situations which would have made his actions seem like a direct threat to the political system and Christians mention this when defending themselves. The Church can also offer support to the government in making laws although some leaders of Christianity have been criticised for getting involved in politics.
So in conclusion there are a small minority of those who believe Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics although most feel Christians should be involved in politics.