Controlled Assessment - Fertlilisers Research

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Fertilisers are made from ammonia and are used in modern farming as they increase crop yield. The three main fertilisers made from ammonia include, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate and urea.

How are they manufactured?

Fertilisers are made by the reaction of an acid and an alkali. The preparation of a fertiliser in a lab involves the following equipment: a measuring cylinder to measure the volume of a particular acid, a burette to add an alkali to the acid to try and make the solution neutral and a filter funnel to remove the solid crystals of fertiliser from the solution. The pH (power of hydrogen) value of the solution can be measured by taking samples while using universal indicator. In our examples; ammonia is reacted with nitric acid to make ammonium nitrate and ammonia is reacted with sulphuric acid to make ammonium sulphate. [2]

NH3 + HNO3    NH4NO3

Ammonia + Nitric Acid  Ammonium Nitrate

NH3 + H2SO4 (NH4)2SO4 

Ammonia + Sulphuric Acid Ammonium Sulphate

When these fertilisers are manufactured in a factory the ammonia and the acid are pumped into a mixing vessel, where the solution is neutralised. The solution is then heated and the water evaporates off leaving the molten ammonium nitrate/sulphate which is sprayed into a cooling chamber. Air is blown into the bottom of the cooling chamber to cool the ammonium nitrate/sulphate. The droplets of the molten ammonium nitrate/sulphate cool and harden to form pellets which are used in fertilisers. [1]

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The urea fertiliser is manufactured slightly differently. Urea is made from the reaction of ammonia and carbon dioxide. The ammonia and carbon dioxide are fed into a reactor at a high pressure and temperature. The reaction of the carbon dioxide and the ammonia produces ammonium carbamate. The ammonium carbamate is then decomposed to produce urea and water. [3]


Ammonia + Carbon Dioxide Ammonium Carbamate


Ammonium Carbamate  Urea + Water

The advantages and disadvantages of the fertilisers:

Advantages of urea:

  • Urea can be applied to ...

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A 4 star essay with good detailed scientific knowledge of a fertiliser. Some more general information would improve the introduction but there is a good balance of advantages and disadvantages next. Good accurate detail to describe neutralisation.