Different forms of power production - advantages and disadvantages.

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How it works?

A power station works by using movement energy to turn a turbine to work a generator. The turbines contain steam to turn them. These turbines turn to drive the generators to produce electricity.

Steam is used to drive turbines, which is known as convectional, by burning fuel. This fuel is coal, oil, peat or wood. Large amounts of water is needed to condense the steam, mainly in coal fired powered stations. At the end of the turbine turning and making the generator run, only one third of the energy from the fuel is changed into electrical energy, which is finally delivered to our homes. The chemical energy of the fuel is changed into the heat energy of the water is changed into the kinetic energy of turbines, which is finally changed into the electrical energy of the generator.


The power stations are cheap to build and can make electricity at any time.


Burning fuel releases carbon dioxide- this increases global warming.

How it works?

Hydroelectric stations produce electricity by water flowing down through large pipes from oceans or lakes or by water in fast flowing rivers to run its water turbines. In hydroelectric stations they convert water energy into electricity. The turbines turn and then run the generator.

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The energy is changed at various stages. The gravitational potential energy of water is changed into kinetic energy, which is then changed into kinetic energy of the turbines, which is finally changed into electrical energy of the generator.


At night, when many more power stations have extra energy because it is not being used by people, the water is pumped back up again.


A large amount of land has to be flooded, which could have been used for farming or forests.



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