In this experiment I am going to find out the effect temperature has on a squash ball and how this effects how long it stays in the air for between the first and second bounce. This is a measure of its ability to bounce.

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Squash Balls


In this experiment I am going to find out the effect temperature has on a squash ball and how this effects how long it stays in the air for between the first and second bounce. This is a measure of its ability to bounce.


At the beginning of a squash match the players squeeze the ball and hit it against the wall repeatedly, this causes friction. They do this to warm the ball up so it will bounce better. The reason the ball bounces more when it’s warmer is because, as the ball warms up, the air molecules inside the ball move faster causing the internal pressure to go up. This makes the ball bigger and when it’s hit against the wall it will have more spring back rather than the wall absorbing the force because the stretched rubber casing has more elastic potential.

 Rubber casing

 Air molecules, these molecules move faster when the temperature of the ball is higher, this can be linked to the kinetic theory, which tells us the higher the temperature the faster molecules will move, and will collide more often with more force.

When the ball is hot the air molecules inside the ball have a high collision rate between the air molecules inside the ball casing, the ball therefore expands. This causes the ball to have less give and bounce more. This is the reason why squash players heat the ball up at the start of the game, to inflate the ball

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If I double the temperature I would not expect the ball to stay in the air twice as long between the first and second bounce. I think this because as the ball gets hotter the rubber casing will start to become slightly deformed due to the rubber casing being affected by the high temperature. However I do expect the ball to bounce higher and therefore stay in the air longer if I increase the temperature of the ball; this is because the molecules are moving faster, causing the internal pressure to go up which in turn ...

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