Aim To investigate how light intensity in storage conditions effect the rate of catalase activity within living potato tissue.
Planned method
As stated within my research, the production of the glycoalkaloid solanine increases within potato tissue when exposed within light. This also accumulates the production of chlorophyll, which is why the potato goes green in colour. However, certain types of light cause this as an effect in different ways. As the aim of this investigation is to see how the production of chlorophyll, and increased concentration of solanine effects the rate of catalase activity as a result of light exposure, it is important that the type of light used for the storage conditions is one which causes these effects to a high level, so that a significant change in rate can be observed. This therefore means that an incandescent or an ultraviolet light source cannot be used for the experiment. It is therefore most appropriate to use a fluorescent light source, such as a fluorescent lamp.