Investigate one or more factors affecting the resistance of metal wires

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Aim: To investigate one or more factors that affects the resistance of metal wires


Resistance is the force that opposes the flow of charge i.e. an electrical current around a circuit. This means that energy is required to push the charged particles around the circuit. Resistance involves collisions between the electrons in the wire and the atoms (strictly speaking ions) that make up the structure of the conductor. As we have already encountered, the higher the resistance, the lower the current. If there is a high resistance, to get the same current, a higher voltage will be needed to provide an extra push for the electricity to flow.

Resistance is measured in units called Ohms, symbol Ω. A conductor has a resistance of one ohm (1.0 Ω) if there is a current of one ampere (1.0A) through it when the voltage (potential difference) across it is one volt (1.0V). In order to calculate the resistance, you must know the voltage and the current.

Mechanism of conduction of electricity in metals

Metals are made up of a lattice of ions (charged particles). The structure of metals is such that each of its atoms (on average) has one outer electron, which is not needed for bonding, and which does not need to remain restricted on its atom leaving a positive ion. As these “free” electrons “drift” through the crystal lattice, when a potential difference is applied, they collide with the positive ions of the lattice. These collisions slow down the flow of electrons (electric current). During the collision, the kinetic energy, which an electron has gained due to acceleration, is transferred to the ion with which it has collided. This transfer on collision is the cause of resistance. In turn, the crystal lattice gains kinetic energy, which produces a rise in temperature of the conductor.  

Ohm’s Law

Ohm’s Law states that “the current passing through a wire at constant temperature is proportional to the potential difference (or voltage) between its ends.” A conductor for which this relationship is true is said to obey Ohm’s Law.

Ohm’s Law can be written as I V. The unit of resistance is the ohm (Ω) and is defined as follows:

“The ohm (Ω) is the resistance of a conductor such that, when a potential difference of one volt is applied to its ends a current of one ampere flows through it” i.e.

   Resistance = Voltage/Current

(Where R = resistance (measured in Ohms (Ω)), V = the voltage/potential difference across the conductor (measured in Volts (V)) and I = electrical current (measured in Amps (A)).

Limitations of Ohm’s Law

If Ohm’s Law is to be obeyed, the temperature of the wire must remain constant, as mentioned above. It is also necessary that all the physical conditions remain constant. For example, the resistance of some conductors will alter if they are bent or placed under tension or if put at right angles to a strong magnetic field. It is also important to remember that Ohm’s Law only works with metal conductors.    

Through theory, we have found that there are several factors that affect the electrical resistance of a wire:

  • Length – long wires have more resistance than short wires.
  • Cross-sectional area/Diameter – thin wires have more resistance than thicker wires.
  • Type of material – alloys have a higher resistance than pure metals (like copper).
  • Temperature – hotter wires have more resistance than cooler wires.

In my preliminary work, I will need to decide factors to investigate the resistance of a wire which are easy to measure accurately, and which can be measured repeatedly without taking up too much time. While doing preliminary work, I have decided that the two factors that I will investigate are the length of the wire and the cross-sectional area of the wire. This means that I must keep the material from which the wire is made and the temperature of the wire constant during this investigation.

I have found that it is difficult to keep the temperature of the wire constant during the investigation since the wire is bound to heat up as described above. Consequently, I have decided that I will use the metal alloy Constantan (otherwise called contra or eureka) in my investigation because it shows very small resistance change with temperature under normal laboratory conditions (Constantan only increases resistance by about one-hundredth-thousandth part per Kelvin rise in temperature). This means that the temperature of the wire will vary but the resistance of the material used, Constantan, does not vary greatly with temperature.  

In addition, constantan is a metal alloy that does not alter in value, as it gets older. The reason I have used an alloy to a pure metal such as copper is because alloys have a high resistance and so it will give a more range of values to plot on the graph, which will improve the accuracy of this investigation. In addition, since alloys have a high resistance they also have a low current in a circuit, which means that it will not get so hot and will prevent any accidents to the user or any damage to the equipment used.    

Research of factors affecting the resistance of a wire


As the length of wire increases, the number of collisions the current carrying the charged particles (the electrons) make with the ions in the metal also increases therefore giving a greater resistance. This occurs because the longer the wire, the more atoms (ions) there are in the metal wire and so it is more likely that a collision between the electron and the ions would occur. Consequently, there is more resistance. It is also true that the longer the length of the wire, the further the electrons have to travel and so the electrons have to squeeze together for a longer time and so there will be more collisions between the electrons and the ions in the metal wire.  

Resistance (R) of a wire is directly proportional to the length of the wire, L, or in symbols,    

R L,

as long as the cross-sectional area is constant. In other words, for the same wire, the resistance per unit length is the same all along the wire.  

Cross-sectional area/Diameter

Thin wires have more resistance than thicker wires because there are fewer paths for the electrons in the wire therefore it is harder for the current to flow. This means that the energy is not widely spread and so the resistance is higher. If the diameter of a wire is thicker more electrons can go through the wire – this means that the ions in the metals cannot collide with as many electrons so there is less resistance.    

Doubling the area of cross-section of the wire will halve the resistance. In other words, the resistance of a wire is inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area as long as the length of the wire is constant.

R ∝ 1


Combining these two results we obtain:



R = ρL/A

Where ρ is the resistivity of a wire measured in ohm-metres.

(R = resistance of wire measured in ohms, L = length of wire measured in metres and A = cross-sectional area measured in metres squared).  


If the temperature of a conductor increases, its resistance also increases. This is because as the temperature increases, the metal ions vibrate more vigorously due to the increases in energy. Consequently, the electrons have more difficulty getting through the wire because they collide with the metal ions. This increases the amount of collisions and therefore provides a greater resistance to the flow of electrons.

Type of Material

Substances, which allow the flow of electric current through them, are called conductors. Metals behave as conductors due to their structure. In a metal atom, the electron is relatively weakly attached to the atom and so can easily separate from the parent atom. This means that the atoms in a metal exist as ions surrounded by an electron cloud. When a potential difference is applied to the metal, the electrons in this cloud are free to move in the spaces between atoms.

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Different materials have different resistance depending on the materials’ atomic structure (composition). The type of material affects the amount of free electrons there are. The number of free electrons depends on the amount of electrons in the outer shell of the atoms. If the material has a high number of atoms or if there are more electrons in the outer shell or even if the atom is large (meaning that the electrons are weakly attached to the positive nucleus), the more electrons there are available. This will cause a lower resistance because of the increase of the number of ...

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