Investigate the factors affecting the Resistance of a piece of wire.

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GCSE Physics coursework

Investigate the factors affecting the Resistance of a piece of wire


In a metal such as a piece of wire the atoms are arranged in a regular pattern and are held in position by electrical forces. The positive charges in the atom are concentrated in the atom’s nucleus and are unable to move. The negative charges, the electrons are away from the nucleus and are continually moving. When a metal conductor is connected to a battery the negatively-charged electrons move towards the positive end. This flow of charge creates an electric circuit. Metals are good conductors of electricity because they contain many free electrons.

When a metal conducts electricity the current is carried by electrons. The battery forces the electrons through the conductor.  The battery gives electrical energy to each electron, and as the particle makes its way round the circuit it gives up this energy in resistors in the form of heat.

Resistance is anything that constricts the flow of electrons. Voltage opposes resistance because it is trying to push the current round the circuit. The higher the resistance the less current flows through the circuit.

The amount of resistance in an electric current determines the amount of current in the circuit for any given voltage.

Resistance is measured by using the following equation:

Resistance= voltage      



The unit of resistance is ohm (Ω)

Ohm’s law

Ohm’s law states that;

The resistance of a metal conductor is the same, whatever current is flowing provided the temperature doesn’t change.

This suggests that temperature affects resistance. When the temperature is increased there will be less free electrons because the energy has caused the electrons to form collisions with the atoms.

There are several factors, which could or might affect resistance. These include:

  • Length of wire

This could affect the resistance because there will be more electrons present in a longer piece of wire, therefore more energy will be needed because the electrons will have to travel further. Therefore, if the length increases the resistance increases, and if the length decreases the resistance decreases.

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  • Thickness of wire

Resistance would be affected for the same reason for the length of wire. There will be more electrons present in the thicker wires.

  • Temperature

Temperature could affect the resistance because if the temperature of the wire increases then the atoms will have an increase of energy. This would cause more collisions between the electrons. The increase in collision would mean an increase in resistance. Therefore, if the temperature increases so does the resistance.

  • Type of material

The material could affect the resistance because different materials will have different numbers of free ...

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