Investigating the cellular water potential of potato cells.

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Hanna Cheung

Investigating the cellular water potential of potato cells.

Aim: - to determine the water potential of potato cells by using different concentrations of sucrose solution.


Water potential is the tendency of water molecules to move from one place to another, water potential can also be represented by the Greek letter psi, Ψ. The water potential for pure water is 0. This is because there is no tendency of the water molecules to move.

The movement of water molecules almost always tends to be from a region of high water potential to a region of lower water potential. This is down the water potential gradient.

Water potential can be affected by various factors, such as the amount of solute that is in the solution and the pressure that is being exerted.

        Solute potential (Ψs) is the amount by which the solute molecules lower the water potential of a solution. As the solute decreases the water potential of a solution, the water potential becomes more negative as more solute is added.

Fig. 1 Diagram of solutions with different water potentials.

In the diagram, side A has a less negative and so a higher water potential (it is closer to 0, than side B). This is as side B has a greater amount of solute molecules in it than side A, which means that the water molecules in side A have a greater tendency to move.

Side B has the greater solute lower (more negative) solute potential, this is as the water molecules are less likely to move because they prefer to stay with the solute molecules. Solute potential is always negative.

Pressure potential (Ψp) can also affect the water potential of a solution. However, instead of making the water potential more negative, the greater the pressure potential, the less negative the water potential becomes. This is as, if pressure is applied to a solution; it gives the water molecules a greater tendency to move. The molecules are pushed closer together, causing more collisions to occur and so forces many of the water molecules through the partially permeable membrane.  Therefore, increasing the pressure potential increases the water potential.

Pressure potential is very important when considering osmosis in plant cells; the rigid cell wall surrounding plant cells can cause an inward pressure on the cell contents. This influences the cells’ water potential and therefore the movement of the water molecules through the partially permeable membranes. Pressure potential is always positive, though when coupled with the solute potential, the resulting figures can be negative.

The passive movement of water molecules from a region of high water potential to a region of higher potential, down the concentration, across a partially permeable membrane is known as osmosis. This movement is passive as there is no energy required to move the water molecules and occurs naturally.

        Solute molecules tend to be far too large to be able to pass through the small pores within certain cell membranes; therefore they are unable to diffuse from one of the membrane to the other. However, water molecules are small enough to do so, thus the membrane is said to be partially permeable as it allows some molecules to pass through, but not others. The more water molecules there are per volume of the cell the more likely that by random movement they will collide with the cell's plasma membrane, and travel out of it.

If a plant cell was to be immersed into pure water (high water potential), the water would enter the cell via osmosis. This would increase the volume of water within the cell and so the contents of the cell (protoplast) would begin to ‘push’ against the cell wall.

        This causes pressure to build up rapidly, this is the pressure potential. This increases the water potential of the cell until the water potential within the cell equals the water potential outside of the cell, equilibrium is said to have been reached. The two solutions, inside and outside of the cells have the same water potentials.

The cell wall of the plant cells prevent the cell from bursting as it is so inelastic, this also means that it does not take long for a pressure to begin to build up. When a plant cell is fully inflated with water, it is said to be turgid. When an animal cell is placed into pure water, the water would move in by osmosis. However, after a certain amount had entered, the cell would burst as there is no cell wall to stop this from happening.

Potato cells contain polysaccharides, starch and glycogen which are good for storage, these act as the cells solutes. The potato cell is surrounded by plasma membrane, which is a fluid mosaic model. This is a mosaic of phospholipids and proteins moving around, they are not solid. This is why plant cell can become turgid and flaccid because their walls (plasma membrane) can stretch.  

Fig. 2 Diagram of a turgid plant cell

The plasma membrane is a partially permeable barrier between the cell and the extra cellular environment.

        The plasma membrane mainly consists of phospholipids. These phospholipids are a phosphate head, which is attached to two fatty acid tails (hydrocarbon chain).  The phosphate group is highly soluble in water and so hydrophilic; however, the fatty acid tails are not soluble in water and therefore are hydrophobic. In the plasma membrane, the phospholipids are in two layers (hence the name phospholipid bilayer). The hydrophobic regions of the phospholipids line up together in the middle of the membrane, whilst the hydrophilic regions are on the outside of the membrane. Due to the hydrophobic regions of the phospholipid bilayer, it is generally not possible for large charged molecules or ions to pas through the membrane freely.

        The phospholipid bilayer contains transport proteins; some are lined with the hydrophilic R-groups of the proteins amino acids, which allow certain charged molecules and ions to pass through. These transport proteins allow molecules to diffuse through the phospholipid bilayer; diffusion is the movement of molecules from a high concentration to a lower concentration down a concentration gradient. The use of these transport proteins means that the type of diffusion that is occurring here is facilitated diffusion; this means that something is helping the molecules to diffuse through. However, no energy is required in diffusion.

If a plant cell was placed into a solution with a very negative water potential (concentrated solution). Water would leave the cell by osmosis, as this was happening the protoplast would slowly shrink until there was no pressure acting at all on the cell wall. This would mean that the pressure potential would equal 0. As the water leaves the cell, the cell begins to shrink as there is no pressure within the cell to push outwards on the cell wall. The cell becomes flaccid.

Fig. 3 Diagram of a flaccid plant cell.

As the protoplast continues to shrink, it pulls away from the cell wall of the cell. This is known as plasmolysis, once this has occurred in a cell, the cell is said to be plasmolysed.

        When the pressure potential has just reached 0 and plasmolysis is about to occur, this point is called incipient plasmolysis.

Fig. 4 Diagram of a plasmolysed plant cell.

The relationship between water potential, pressure potential and solute potential within plant cells can be summed up in the following equation;

Water potential (Ψ)  =  Solute potential (Ψs)  +  Pressure potential (Ψp)

However, when the pressure potential within a plant cell equals 0, the equation can be altered as pressure potential is no longer counted for;

Water potential (Ψ)  =  Solute potential (Ψs)


This experiment works as the water within the potato samples will move out by osmosis, when the samples are placed in solutions that have a lower water potential than the potato cells. The opposite will happen when the potato samples are placed into solutions that have higher water potentials than the cells. Where there is no loss in mass or gain in mass in the potato samples is where the water potential of the solution and potato cells are in equilibrium. This water potential is the water potential of the potato cells.

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In this experiment we have to determine the water potential of potato tissue. Water potential equals to solute potential because pressure potential is zero. This is because there is no pressure added or taken away in this experiment; pressure does not vary in this experiment as we are leaving it natural.

Therefore we do not need to use the formula above for this reaction we will only need to find solute potential which will equal to water potential.

Water potential (W) = Solute potential ( S)

In a free standing solution there is no pressure potential (Ψ p ...

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