Investigation to show how the length of a wire affects the resistance.

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Investigation To Find Out What Factors Affect The Resistance Of A Wire.


To investigate and find out how the resistivity of a wire is affected by altering the lengths of constantan wire.


The longer the piece of wire, the greater the resistivity.  This is due to the idea of free moving electrons being resisted by atoms in the wire.  In a longer piece of wire, there would be more atoms for the electrons to collide with and so the resistance would be greater.  The relationship between the wire length and the resistance should be directly proportional.

For example if I had a 30 cm wire and a 60 cm wire, the 60 cm wire would have a resistance twice that of the 30 cm wire.  This is because in a wire twice the length there would be double the amount of atoms colliding with the electrons, and therefore causing twice as much resistance.  

The resistance can be calculated by using the formulae:


Resistance is measured in ohm’s (Ω); Voltage in Volts; Current in amps.

        Flow of electrons.


  1. Electrons colliding in to atoms causing energy to be lost in the form of heat, and resulting in the increase of the resistance.

Flow of electrons.


  1. In a wire twice the length there are twice as much electrons and atoms therefore doubling the amount of collisions, leading to a double amount of energy lost in the form of heat and therefore causing the resistance to increase twice as much.
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There are some things in this investigation that must be kept as constant as possible. These are:


When the temperature of a metal increases the resistance of that metal also increases.  This is because when the temperature increases the atoms of the metal vibrate more vigoursly because of the increase in energy.  This means that the electrons have more difficulty getting through the wire as they collide with the atoms that are in their pathway.  This increases the amount of collisions therefore there is more resistance and some of this excess energy is lost in the form of ...

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