My aim is to find out which material is the best insulator out of Black paper, Bubble rap, Foil and Cotton wool.

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Hamid Azizi 10x1                                                                   Science Coursework pg



My aim is to find out which material is the best insulator out of Black paper, Bubble rap, Foil and Cotton wool.


I would predict that Foil will be the best insulator then bubble rap next cotton wool and lastly it will be black paper.

I think foil will be the best insulator because its shiny and because of that, the heat that tries to escape will be reflected back by radiation. Bubble rap will probably be the second best insulator because its like double-glazing windows it has air between the plastic to prevent conduction and radiation.

I think then it would be cotton wool because I think the hot air might escape through it.

I think Black paper will be the worst insulator because its black and the heat will be absorbed and lost by radiation.


These are the equipment that I will need and use in my experiment. I will need a beaker to warm up the water up to 75 degrees, a measuring cylinder to measure 100 ml of water, a thermometer to be able to take the temperature every two minutes, a medium size beaker to pour my water in and to cover it up with the material. I will also need some foil, cotton wool, black paper and some bubble rap.


First draw up a table to write up all the results from the experiment. Then start to collect all the equipments one by one to prevent accidents. After collecting all the equipment an the materials then boil some water from the kettle and then pour some in the measuring cylinder and measure accurately up to only 100ml. Then tip the water in the beaker and a thermometer as well, to measure the temperature with it every 2 minutes. Then make sure the temperature is 75 degrees because I know if make a cup of coffee it wouldn’t stay at the same temperature it gradually come down to the room temperature, and 75 degrees is over the room temperature and its not very high either.  

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After making sure the temperature is 75 degrees then quickly cover it up with foil even the top of the beaker and then start the stop clock. Then you have to measure the temperature in the beaker every two minutes until it goes to 10 minutes. Do this same procedure for cotton wool, bubble rap and black paper. If you’ve done all of this then do one with no insulation.


My results told me that cotton wool is the best insulator out of the other materials. Now I know why because ...

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