Smoke Alarms Assignment In this CDA I will be explaining how smoke alarms work, there are two types of smoke alarms, Ionisation smoke detectors and Photoelectric smoke detectors

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In this CDA I will be explaining how smoke alarms work, there are two types of smoke alarms, Ionisation smoke detectors and Photoelectric smoke detectors, I will be explain what they both do and will compare them using a table to show the differences.  I will be also explaining what Americium is and Half-life is and what they do. Most people don’t know where and when smoke alarms are often used now a days and I’ll be explain that also.

Basic description:

Two basic types of smoke detectors are sold for residential use.

The photoelectric smoke detector: 

Uses an optical beam to search for smoke so when the smoke particles cloud the beam, a photoelectric cell senses the decrease in light intensity and triggers an alarm. This type of detector reacts most quickly to 
smoldering fires but no flame that release relatively large amounts of smoke. 

Ionisation smoke detector:

All smoke detectors have two basic parts: the sensors and the electronic horn that emits sound. These devices also require a power source, which is usually a 9-volt battery or 120-volt house current. Ionization-type detectors have an ionizing chamber with two electrically charged plates, and a minute amount of radioactive material is in between the plates. The radioactive material ionizes the air in the chamber, which results in current flow between plates. Any smoke that comes into the chamber will interrupt the ion flow and cause a reduction in current flow that sets off the alarm.

The differences between photoelectric and ionization smoke detectors are they both detect smoke differently, like for example the photoelectric smoke detectors uses an optical beam to search for smoke so when the smoke particles cloud the beam, a photoelectric cell senses the decrease in light intensity and triggers the alarm, as the ionisation smoke detector detects smoke when the it reaches its chamber, making it interrupt the ion flow it causes a reduction in current flow that will set off the alarm.

They also use different power supplies such as, batteries or AC currents. Some also have a interconnectivity, which triggers all alarms if one alarm is triggered, warning every one on each level on the house.

O2 + He+2         O2+1 + e- 1 + He+2 

This is the equation for smoke alarms and the equation says that oxygen and alpha particles make a positive charge. But when the smoke gets it, it doesn’t do that and the alarms go off, the radioactive material ionizes the air in the chamber, which results in current flow between plates. Any smoke that comes into the chamber will interrupt the ion flow and cause a reduction in current flow that sets off the alarm. Ionization models are best suited for rooms that contain highly combustible materials that can create flaming fires. These types of materials include flammable liquids, newspapers, and paint cleaning solutions. Photoelectric models are best suited for living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. This is because these rooms often contain large pieces of furniture, such as sofas, chairs, mattresses, counter tops, etc. which will burn slowly and create more smouldering smoke than flames.

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Where and when are smoke alarms used?

Smoke alarms are often used in homes, offices, most likely everywhere, they are mainly there for in case of fire, like for example if something has over cooked in your kitchen it would maybe start a light or in your living room with the electronic cables might melt due to heat and produce a fire, then the smoke alarms would sense the smoke and start the horn, trying to get the everyone’s attention in the house. So they can mainly do something about it for example by putting it ...

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