The Pendulum

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Maths II Project:

The Pendulum

The following report was prepared for the Pure Maths II topic of Models of Growth. This report aims to investigate the relationship that may connect the period of a pendulum with it’s length.            

A pendulum is a body suspended from a fixed point so that it swings back and forth under the influence of gravity. A simple pendulum consists of a weight suspended at the end of a string. The periodic motion of a pendulum is constant, but can be made longer or shorter by increasing or decreasing the length of the string.

To investigate the period of a pendulum, we began by constructing a simple pendulum (see appendices 1). To measure the time for one complete oscillation (the back and forth ‘swinging’ motion), we decided to time eight complete oscillations.  We did this using nine different lengths; ranging from 20cm to 100cm.

 After doing this three times, we obtained these results:

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We decided to measure eight oscillations and then find an average per oscillation as this is more accurate. If only one oscillation was used, then the person’s reaction time to stop the stop watch would probably be greater than the time of the oscillation.

The average time per oscillation was found by dividing the average of the eight oscillations by eight.

The graph of Time Vs Length can then be plotted to try and establish the rule connecting the period of the pendulum with it’s length.


This is a preview of the whole essay