Evaluating the healthiness of the Salt River by the biological organisms and chemistry present in the river

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Brandon Clark

Evaluating the healthiness of the Salt River by the biological organisms and chemistry present in the river


Objective/Teacher’s Instructions: Assess the health of the river by collecting organisms in the river, classifying and correlating them with the chemistry of the river

Hypothesis: If there is a high frequency of low-tolerance/sensitive organisms and the chemistry of the river support the frequencies then the Salt River is healthy, but if there proves to be a higher frequency of high-tolerant organism, and being supported by the chemistry results, it therefore states that the river is unhealthy.

Independent Variables:

  • The Macro organisms caught
  • The chemistry of the river

Dependant Variables:

  • Health of the Salt River

Controlled Variables:

  • The specified site areas to be used for the collection of the organism

Uncontrollable Variables:

  • Time of the season/year
  • Time of the day when the experiment was conducted
  • The time of appearance of the organisms
  • Water tide level
  • Water flow


  • Swimming attire and several pairs of boots and or water sandals
  • Four nets:
  • One Dip net
  • One Minnow net
  • Two Kick seine
  • Two buckets
  • Five trays/sifters
  • Baby food jars (For 5 groups, 5 per site, total of 20)
  • Alcohol, no specific type needed
  • Spoons (12+)
  • Petri Dishes (3 per group, 5 groups, total of 15)
  • Tweezers (1 per group, total of 5)
  • Microscope (1 per group, total of 5) with slides
  • Parafilm
  • Water (tap)
  • Macro invertebrate identification sheets: Internet access
  • Chemistry results


  1. Once at the Salt River (or any body of water), set up five distinct stations where the water is flowing, stagnant, deep and shallow
  2. Create 5 groups with 2-3 people per group; Each person should already be in their swimming attire and have their boots/sandals on
  3. Gather 5 baby food jars per site, at least 2 spoons, a tray/sifter
  4. With the sites set, the groups separated, begin collection with the nets and or buckets
  1. For the use of the kick seine, position it open to upstream current, securing the side poles into the ground, with your back facing downstream and capture whatever organisms in a 2 minute period and then lift the kick seine slowly and take it over a tray/sifter, and with a spoon, place the organisms caught in a baby food jar. Besides allowing the stream to carry over organisms, have your group members kick up the dirt in the direction with you and the kick seine positioned to capture whatever was caught up in the kicks.*
  2. For the use of the dip net, dip the net into the water and scoop what you can, especially under any plant life in the water or near it. Make sure not to have too much weight in the net before lifting to prevent tear. Empty it on the tray after have a few attempts and with the spoons place whatever caught organisms into the baby food jars.*
  3. For the minnow net, two people must hold it, one on each side, and have it open facing upstream to catch any organisms running down and collect for 2 minutes. And just as the kick seine, the other member can kick up the dirt if nothing is caught to see if anything results from the ground.*
  4. If none of the previous experiments have little success, use a bucket to scoop up some water and mud and empty on the tray/sifter slowly and comb through it with the spoon, gathering any organisms into the baby food jars.
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*Each net method must be used at least 5 times, preferably in different areas within the site, before switching to another method with the usage of the kick seine and the minnow net to have timed intervals of 2 minutes each before lifting and emptying upon the tray. With the dip net, it should be dipped between 5-7 times with some success in capturing organisms.

  1. Once all the groups have finished collecting, each group must then classify the captured macro invertebrates from their site. The Internet would be a great source for identification sheet; An example would be ...

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