
- Cells are basic units of what organisms are made up of

- The shape and size of cells are related to their functions

- Bacteria is a DNA that is not encapsulated by a membrane/nucleus

- Chromosomes contain information for processing the functions of cells

- Proteins (meats) are broken down into amino acids. These are very important for the body development

- Everything in the body is made up of protein

- If there is an excess of protein the body excretes it

- Proteins are used for movement and repairing memory

- Cilia are tiny hairs outside the cell that help it to move and attract food  


- Genetics: The study of hereditary and the variations of characteristics

- Mendel is known as the "Father of genetics" because he was the first person to discover things which we now know as genes. He was a monk who experimented with pea plants

- True-breeding plants are plants which consistently produce offspring the same as the parents for a particular trait

-  In genetics, a dominant trait is a gene that expresses its instructions whereas a recessive trait 'masks' itself even though it's present

- Mendel concluded from his experiments that some dominant and recessive genes were preset in each of the F1 and F2 generation

- Genes are made from de oxy ribonucleic acid (DNA)

- Chromosomes are the structures in which genes are kept. They are long, coiled; thread-like structures found in the nucleus of your body cells and are made up of DNA and protein

- Each chromosome acts as a container for thousands of genes

- Body (somatic) cells have 46 chromosomes whereas sex cells only contain 23. When a female and male sex cell combines, they will have 46 chromosomes; this alters the characteristics of the newly made cell

- Homologous refers to chromosomes that are partly male and partly female

- Diploid cells are those that contain two chromosomes, an example can be body cells. Haploid cells, however, are those which contain one type of chromosome, an example can be sperm cells

- Mitosis: This is when each body cell reproduces and duplicates their chromosomes. This process occurs inside body cells

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- Meiosis: This is when a sperm cell meets a female egg; the resulting cell will have the correct number of chromosomes. This process occurs inside sex cells

- Pea plants possess two hereditary factors for each characteristic which separate from each other and pass into gametes

- Gametes are the reproductive cells, called ova in females and sperm in males and combine to form the first cell of a new organism

- Each new organism receives one hereditary factor from each parent which do not blends with each other but instead act as independent units

- A gene is ...

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