Investigating the Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Respiration in Yeast

Authors Avatar by lizzielunn817gmailcom (student)

Biology IA

The Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Respiration in Yeast



Research Question

Does changing the amount of Sodium Fluoride effect the rate of respiration as measured by the colour change of resazurine?


Independent Variable

Different amounts of sodium chloride 0,5,10,15 and 20mL

Dependant Variable

Rate of production of H+ ions as measured by the colour change of resazurine, the degree of colour change shall be measured on the gradient below using the assigned numerical value to the colour.


Raw Data Table showing the effect different volumes of Sodium Fluoride has on the rate of production of H+ ions as measured by the colour change of resazurine

Processed Data Table showing the effect different volumes of Sodium Fluoride has on the average rate of production of H+ ions as measured by the colour change of resazurine

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Graph Showing the effect different volumes of Sodium Fluoride has on the average rate of production of H+ ions as measured by the colour change of resazurine

Comment on Graph:

The graph depicts a positive trend, as the amount of Sodium Fluoride increases the average rate of H+ ions as measured by the colour change of resazurine also increases. This increase is consistent with each 5 mL increase of Sodium Fluoride resulting in an increase of one assigned numerical colour. This steady increase plateaus at 15mL with no further ...

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