The developing roles of US First Ladies

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  1. The first First Ladies (1789-1901):

                  The first ladies of that period did not further influence the office, they served mainly as social hostess with ceremonical duties.They were mostly private personage. With Dolly Madison as a notable exception and Julia Tyler abrief singnal of fame to come.However some contributions were made to pffice.For instance ,Jullie Grant (1869-1877)became known as one of the best social hostess of the White House . Lucy Hayes (1877-1881) emerged as a well known public figure,and Caroline Harrison(1889-1893)left a legacy of accomplishments including  the redecoration of the White House, and the founding of the “The daughters of American Revolution.”

  1.  Aspiring spouses:Developing new roles(1901-1945):

                 By the  early twentieth  century , First Ladies slowly acquired different duties , and the public had been the case twenty years before. The foundation of the modern first lady as an active presidential partner was firmly established during this period.Roosevelt , for example , held weekly meetings with wives  of cabinet  members . Helen Taft and Florence Harding were highly ambitious ; determined , liberated women who were the primary forces behind their husband’s career.Wilson functioned with an unprecedented amount of power on behalf of the president by conducting White House meetings and managing his business and communication:such a role would have been unthikable only few years before. Grace Coolidge facilitated her husband’s political achievements by using social style to temper Calvin Colidge’s interpersonal uneasiness:

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 At official receptions, the president curtly

nodded to the people quickly, passes from

one obligatory househoke to the next while

Grace exceptional memory for names her

Genuine concerns for guest’s comfort made

 them feel at ease.

Another example from those period first ladies is Lou Hoover , the latter travelled with her husband extensively translating to him and she contributed to the text books he wrote . The first lady who until now represents the standard by Whichall other first ladies are measured , emerged during that period. Eleanor Roosevelt who was a political and social activist ...

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