Why was Germany unified under Prussia and not Austria

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Fernando Lutfalla

Why German Unification was Germany Unified under Austria and not under Prussia?

The revolutions of 1830/1848 brought lots of turbulence to the scene. In this period liberalism and nationalism ideas strengthen themselves and was particularly a problem for Austria because it suffered from divisions with the diverse nationalities and was over stretched, especially with the Italian commitments. So as the Austrian Empire is fighting against decline, the Prussian Empire was only strengthening itself. This period saw the gradual strengthening of Prussia with the Zollverein and economic reforms. Also with the failure of the congress of Vienna, which was aimed to control the liberalist and nationalist ideas, Austria started suffering more problems as the Austrian leader was much more conservative about these ideas than Bismark, so the Austrians lost influence amongst the people.

Futhermore, Prussia was in advantage because Bismark was much more popular than the Austrian leader. Bismark was more effective; the type of economic progress contented the majority of the middle classes. Kleindutch supporters saw in Prussia a more cohesive state, which was less archaic and more progressive economically. Also Bismark was more determined to prepare his army and do anything to unify with Prussia. It was the famous blood and iron theory. Also his international diplomacy was a key figure on the unification with Germany. Between 1864 and 1865 he promoted an alliance with Austria reasoning that this would allay the fears of the southern German states, which were more naturally inclined towards Vienna than Berlin. This cooperation seemed to reach a climax in 1864 with the joint Austro- Prussian intervention against Denmark and the occupation of Schleswig and Holstein. Bismark hoped that Austria would concede to Prussia the lions share of political influence in Northern Germany. Also bismark maintained alliances with Russia (by giving moral support over polish revolt)  and France ( hints of territorial gain) to ensure support against Austria in any constitutional alterations within the German Confederation. So by this combination of subtle diplomacy and naked militarism Bismark won the three wars leading to the unification. The first war was against Denark to release the provinces of Schlewig and Holstein to the German Confederation. The second war was expelling Austria from Germany and uniting with the north. The third was defeating france and talking control of the Southern German States.

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Also, Prussia also had lots of economic strength. Its economy grew steadily 1815 to 1848 and than through the 1850 and 60s it experienced the first industrial revolution on the continent. Its has three major advantages over Austria. Firstly it had the tradition of economic reform. This was actions by ministers such as Stein and Hardenberg which overhauled the financial system and modified the social structure by abloishing serfdom. What Hardening called ‘timely reforms from above gave a vital shove to private enterprise which unchanged system still held back in Austria. Secondly with a bit of diplomacy Prussia managed to ...

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