Assess the extent to which one concept or model of information processing was helped in understanding cognition.

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Erika Pärn


Assess the extent to which one concept or model of information processing was helped in understanding cognition.

One key concept helping in understanding the cognitive perspective is schema.  Schema can be used to explain information processing as well as memory processes. Schema can be defined as a mental framework, which organizes knowledge, beliefs, and expectations. Schemas are used to guide human behavior and are very integrated with our way of processing information. According to Bartlett new information interacts with former information represented by a schema.

Schemas have great influence over behavior. They are seen to operate in a way known as ‘top down’ in order to interpret ‘bottom up’ information influencing our senses from the environment. ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ theories may be explained with the use of explaining perception.

Perception is the process of interpreting and organizing environmental information received by the senses more specifically visual information. The bottom-up theory emphasizes the richness of the information entering the eye and the way perception can occur from using all information available, such as the schemas in our minds. The mind detects details and then based on previous information makes sense of what is being seen i.e. arms, legs, body and head is interpreted as a human.

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‘Top-down’ theories are also known as constructivist theories stressing that factors in constructing a sense of reality are received from the senses. Perception being an active process with which the individual’s past experiences, knowledge and expectations seek out sensory data to ‘complete the picture’.

Due to the plasticity of the schema it is very much influenced by cultural differences also.  A study by Bartlett ‘The War of the Ghosts’ emphasizes these cultural differences along with the ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom up’ theory of schema.  A native-American story was told to participants coming from a different cultural context. Bartlett studied ...

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