“ (…) the absolute necessity that, as global society, we are able to do more with less. That means that our buildings should not only consume less energy, but they must produce zero carbon and zero waste. Better yet, should collect more energy than they need to return it to the grid so that it can benefit everyone. "  Norman Foster


The passive use of the goods provided by nature has always been present in the behavior of both humans and animals, from the most basic attitudes, as food gathering or seeking protection from predators or from weather in caves, even the most sophisticated forms of exploitation of local materials for construction, or natural forms of energy such as wind for sailing, water courses for mills, etc. Of these, construction activities resulted, thanks to the experience handed down from generation to generation, which, based on the popular architecture, will become passive architecture and evolved bioclimatic.

Usually it is called passive conditioning systems to those that are a constituent part of the building, whether design factors or basic building elements (walls, windows, roofing, etc..) or modified (greenhouses, galleries, basements, etc. .) In this way the building becomes, naturally, in the collection system, control, regulation, accumulation and distribution of energy needed by its occupants to live.

Bioclimatic Architecture. Definition

Bioclimatic architecture is an architecture adapted to the environment, an architecture that takes into account the visual impact and disruption it causes to nature, an architecture concerned about the pollution it generates, either solid (solid waste), liquid (water dirty) or gas (combustion gases of fossil fuels).

This last aspect, the gaseous pollution, leads to a kind of design therefore seeks to reduce or eliminate energy dependence. These constructions exploit the full potential energy that gives the atmosphere of their surroundings, a fact which gives rise to the name of bio-climatic.

It is therefore evident that one of the previous aspects to consider in any architectural design should be the climate of where you are placing the building. The climatic characteristics have always influenced both the choice of settlement in the shelter of man, as the arrangement, orientation and shape of buildings. Proper consideration of these qualities, and the choice of materials that conform to the best of the weather where you are going to build, will allow you get more comfortable indoor environment and reduce energy consumption for conditioning.

The development of architectural techniques of conditioning, relatively low fuel costs and the idea of associating the level of life energy, combined with the latest architectural trends, resulted in an undifferentiated architecture, repetitive in any weather condition. The predominant use of curtain walls, or in any case, the soaring walls of glass, thus resulted in the energy waste involved in the chaos of these architectural elements in the packaging, under both winter and summer.

Vernacular architecture

The term ‘vernacular architecture’ is used to refer to traditional buildings that have been designed and built to match the local climate and culture. Much research has been carried out on vernacular architecture, but mostly from humanities or social science perspectives, and very little from an environmental engineering angle.

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Environmental performance of vernacular architecture

Many vernacular housing environments employ passive technology that was developed for such purposes as safety, hygiene, health or comfort using the limited technical resources available in the days before modern technology existed. Such housing environments can be analyzed by taking on site measurements and using computer simulation.

Another remarkable feature of vernacular architecture is the use of local building materials that makes such good use of passive energy that almost ...

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