- The dehydrator was maintain until either:
(1), the final moisture contents of the carrot and potato are 4% and 7% respectively.
(2), a drying time of 5 hours is reached.
(3), prac concluded.
- The weight of dry matter (Wd) was measured after the sample was dried in the oven (102°C) or when the weight showed no changes.
- Moisture content (dry basis) with time for each vegetable was plotted.
To evaluate rehydration of the food, the final products were rehydrated with boiling 10 g of food in 300 mL of water for about 20 min.
4. PFD (Process Flow Diagram)
5. Results
5. 1 Organoleptic Evaluation
Table 1 Description of Carrot slices properties
Table 2 Description of Potato slices properties
5.2 Measured weight of carrot and potato samples after different treatment
Table 3 Weight of different carrot samples measured at different time intervals
Table 4 Weight of different potato samples in at different time interval
Table 5 weights of carrot and potato samples
*The initial weights data come from the weight of measurement minus the weight of tray.
5.3 Moisture content of the samples
Moisture content on the dry basis of the samples was calculated based on the formulation that = (H2O (g)/ dry matter (g)).
Table 6 Moisture content on the dry basis of carrot samples
Graph 1 Moisture content on the dry basis of carrot samples
Table 7 Moisture content on the dry basis of potato samples
Graph 2 Moisture content on the dry basis of potato samples
5.4 Temperature, Dehydration and Rehydration Data
Table 8 The temperature of dehydrator at different time by two thermometers
*Dry bulb=air temp Wet bulb=surface of food
Table 9 Weight carrot and potato sample after dehydration under 102℃,overnight
Table 10 Rehydration of the two food products
5.5 Water activity
Table 11 the water activities of different samples under different temperature
5.6 Color code
L*: Lightness, a*: Redness/hue, b*: Yellowness/chroma
Table 12 Color value of food before dehydration
Table 13 Color value of food comparing the control samples
6. Discussion
Dehydration is a process to remove water from food. This is helpful to reduce growth of microorganisms and to inhibit enzyme activity to achieve food preservation. The approaches commonly used include heat, dry air, air movement, in the sun, in the oven and using a food dehydrator. During the process of drying, a series of physical changes happen to the food. Moisture content, surface morphology such as roughness (toughening of texture) and color (lighter or darker) will change. However, some invisible changes are more influential to the food. In some cases, the approaches to dehydrate are not sufficient to achieve desired level of dehydration. Blanching is a widely used pretreat of dehydration of vegetables that is effective in destroying enzyme activity Besides, blanching also serves role to inhibit growth of microbial population, to facilitate following processing and to stabilize color and taste (Pan et al., 2005). However, over blanching can lead to excessive structure damage and makes the food tasteless.
Based on calculation of moisture content on the dry basis, it was observed that water account the largest proportion of both carrot and potato samples. Actually, blanching causes damage to cell membrane and cytoplasm, the whole cell structure is damaged and the membrane becomes permeable (Ramaswamy, H. S., Marcotte, 2006). Therefore, in the treatment of carrot samples, blanching leads gradual loss of carotenoids and leaching of soluble solid. This is the reason why the color of blanching and over blanching samples is pale than the untreated samples. Besides, the heat and steam in blanching also contribute to the alteration of texture since it can change the crystallinity of cellulose and make the cells loss its vigor. This is the reason why blanching and over blanching samples were much softer than the untreated samples. Furthermore, structure damage is an on-going process during blanching, this explains why blanching samples have darker color and more flexible structure than the over blanching samples. In the potato groups, the situation is similar. Since potato contains high level of starch that can gelatinize around 60-70℃, blanching makes the potato samples have a translucent appearance.
Water activity refers to the partial pressure of water above the food surface divided by the pure component vapour pressure of water at the same temperature as the sample. The level of water activity also refers to the water molecules available for pathogenic bacteria and biochemical reactions. According to Bhandari and Adhikari (2008), water activity is associated with food stability and safety with respect to rate of chemical and biochemical reaction, microbial growth and physical properties. The following figure 1 shows the level of water activity and correspondent degradative reactions rates and microbial growth limits.
Figure 1 the level of water activity and correspondent degradative reactions rates and microbial growth limits
Source: http://www.aqualab.com/education/water-activity-for-product-safety-and-quality/
Based on this figure, it can be concluded that low water activity can inhibit growth of microorganisms that is a potential source of food spoilage, optimize the physical properties such as texture, moisture migration and shelf life, maintain the chemical stability of food, reduce the spontaneous autocatalytic lipid oxidization and nonenzymatic browning reactions. The low moisture level contributes to the low level of water activity. Based on Graph 1 and 2, it can be seen that moisture content on the dry basis of all carrot and potato samples has significantly declined after dehydration. At the same time, the measured water activity of dehydrated carrot and potato samples also dropped significantly, from 0.979 to 0.313 and 0.896 to 0.400 respectively. The required water activity for different microorganisms can be generally concluded as in the following table 14.
Table 14 required water activity for different microorganisms
Source: Bush and Keener (n.d.)
Water activity can influence lipid oxidization, onenzymatic browning, degradation of nutrients, such as vitamins, protein denaturation. In enzyme catalyzed chemical reactions, water may act as a solvent, a participant or as a platform of reactions. Therefore, as water activity decline, the activity of enzymes also drops. Although low water activity cannot achieve 100% enzyme inhibition, blanching contribute to damage enzymes that are largely proteins. Therefore, low than 0.5 water activity can guarantee relatively long-term food preservation.
To understand why rehydrated foods cannot reconstitute to the same consistency as the original fresh food, it is necessary to investigate the association between water potential and water gain and loss. As mentioned above, blanching has lead to solute leaching, cell structure damage and enzyme inactivation. Actually, during the drying process, the vegetable, especially its basic components, the cells have experienced significant biochemical and physical changes. Full and intact structure is the basic requirement to ensure fully regain of lost water. Within plants cell, pectin gum and crystallization of polysaccharide gels can affect regaining of water. However, since the structure and integrity of carrot and potato tissues were damaged in blanching or excessive dehydration, it is impossible to regain the property as the fresh food.
As to food color, blanching has changed the tissue structure of the plants and removes intercellular gases. The structure change, which directly resulted in change of wavelength of reflected light of the carrot and potato sample, is the root source of color change after blanching. Besides, carrot and potato contain some pigments that contribute to their color. Blanching may change or damage the structure of these pigments can thus change the wavelength of reflected light. Minolta Chroma Meter System involves three elements, including L* a* b* to define a color, L* refers to Value, which represents the saturation of a color, a* refers to Hue, which defines the basic color in the color wheel, while b* is means chroma, which shows the level of light (Pattee, Giesbrecht and Young, 1991). The unbleached pieces of potato are creamy. When the pieces were blanched, the pectin of potato cells degrades and the cells loss its turgidity. Therefore, it is brighter and has lower opacity. Further blanch contribute to the translucent appearance. The level of carotenoid determines the color of carrot pieces. Blanch leads to gradual loss of this pigment has thus the pieces became lighter. Since carrot do not have much starch as potato, opacity is not an appropriate indicator of color.
7. Conclusion
In conclusion, dehydration is an effective approach to preserve food. However, in some cases, pretreatment such as blanching is required to support better effect of dehydration. Although the pretreatment has some negative effect to the texture, flavor, and nutrients of the food, it directly contributes to better decline of moisture content and water activity of the food. This is helpful to improve shelf time. The appropriate time of blanching should be identified based on test in advance. Over blanching makes the food tasteless.
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