Business Plan

Year One

        When the business has been running for one year, we hope that we will be able to pay all the workers pay including a small salary for us, and to have broken even. Therefore we can the make profit from here onwards. I have calculated that if we sell 1000 flat packed furniture we will have made enough money to carry out all are aims. Any money left over from good sales will be halved. One half being put into a bank, ready for investment in further years. The second half will be used to make the company better know to create more sales, for example a advertisement for the television and/or a billboard campaign.

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Year Two


We hope to sell more of our product than last year, because the company will be recognised in a wider area. We hope this will lead to sales of about 1700. This will then give us profit of £14,000 working on the average price of £20 per item of furniture. This £14,000 will be but into a bank or building society depending on which will give use the most reward at the time. This money will be saved up unless it is needed to pay losses. This should give a bit of a cushion to fall ...

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