Chocoholics PLC Factory Floor Plan

Chocoholics employ 70 staff and over half of these work in the production department. From this, I can assume that there are 30 production staff, plus supervisors. As chocoholics has only 30 staff, there is a limitation to how much chocolate they can produce.

The way Chocoholics currently operates is by producing chocolate on their production lines for 4 and a half days, and then the machinery is turned off and hand made chocolate is produced for half a day. This way of producing chocolate is very inefficient because for half the day, the machinery is not being used. The same applies to the area for making the hand made chocolate, as this is not used for 4 and a half days. If chocoholics were to make itself as efficient as possible then the machines should be all used at the same time and so should the area for hand made chocolates. This could be done by employing more staff. These new staff that are employed would be put on the machines as they have little experience and skills and the more skilled workers would make the handmade chocolates.

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Chocoholics produce its product on six different product lines, which are laid out, by product. This way of producing chocolate is dangerous, as a breakage on 1 production line will affect the whole business. If there is a reduction in 1 type of chocolate it will be very expensive to change the machinery to make a more popular one.

The new layout that I have created for chocoholics has only three production lines, compared to the six they had before. The three production lines however are not laid out by product and are able to produce all of ...

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