Production planning and control, plant location and layout.

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  1. Production

Production is the foundation on which every organization is built.

Production is a secession of work elements applied to natural materials with the purpose of transforming these into desired goods & services for the satisfaction of human wants.

The other word synonymously used with production is manufacturing.  Manufacturing is understood to mean production of only tangible goods whereas production includes creation of both tangible goods & intangible services.

In a manufacturing organization production is an intentional act of producing something in an organized manner. Similarly in a service organization production means discharge of some function which has some utility.

Thus the basis of production is the transformation of inputs into goods & services.

  1. The main objectives of a production process are –
  1. Optimum use of resources at optimum cost.
  2. Manufacture of the desired quality & quantity of goods & services.

Production management refers to the application of management principles to the production function in an enterprise. In other words, production management involves application of planning, organizing, directing & controlling to the production process.

The management of the transformation process of inputs into output is production management.

Production management is interrelated with many other functional areas of business viz. marketing, finance, industrial relation policies, etc, thereby making it difficult to formulate some single appropriate definition of production management.

  1. The following definitions try to explain main characteristics of production management:

     (1) In the words of Mr. E.L.Brech:

“Production management is the process of effective planning & regulating the operations of that section of an enterprise which is responsible for the actual transformation of materials into finished products.”

This definition does not include the human factors involved in a production process. It lays stress on materialistic features only.

(2) Production management deals with decision-making related to production process so that the resulting goods & services are produced in accordance with the quantitative specifications & demand schedule with minimum cost.

     According to this definition design &control of the production system are two main functions of production management.

  1. Production management is a set of general principles for production economies, facility design, job design, schedule design, quality control, inventory control, work-study & cost & budgetary control.

      This definition explains the main areas of an enterprise where the principles of production management can be applied.

          It is evident from these definitions that production planning & its control are the main characteristics of production management. In case of poor planning & control of production activities the organization may not be able to attain its objectives &may result in loss of customer’s confidence & retardation in the progress of the enterprise.

In short,

The main activities of production management can be listed as

  1. Specification & procurement of input resources namely management, materials & land, labour, equipment & capital.
  2. Product design & development to determine the production process for transforming the input factors into output of goods & services.
  3. Supervision & control of transformation process for efficient production of goods & services.

   4. Functions of production management

  In modern times production management has to perform a variety of functions, namely

  1. Design & development of production process.
  2. Production planning & control.
  3. Implementation of the plan & related activities to produce desired output.
  4. Administration & co-ordination of the activities of various components & departments responsible for producing the necessary goods & services

  1. Production management today.

If we assess the past, covering a period of 200 years after Adam Smith, it can be observed that total production capacities as well as productivity have expanded considerably. Production management has become an empirical applied science. There has been continuous improvement in design, layout &equipment of production by:

  1. Efficiently using labour, material & equipment economies in production.
  2. Using sophisticated production control technique to produce goods & services of desired specifications at the desired time &with minimum cost.
  3. Improvement in production line, e.g.- automation in industries.
  1. Decision making in production management.

The production strategy can be planned in a number of ways & the organization wants to select the best course of action. The decision making process involves proper analysis of these alternatives & then to select the most suitable alternative. Thus decision-making is the art of taking rational decisions using various scientific & analytical techniques. Decision-making approach in production management mainly consists of following steps:

  1. Comprehension:  a single unified awareness is derived from sensory processes about the phenomenon under consideration.
  2. Conception: it is the scheme or design of formulating ideas or concepts about the phenomenon generated from comprehension.
  3. Investigation: the ideas or concepts from conception provide many alternatives choices. The procedure of collected information about the possible outcomes from these alternatives & then to compare their merits & demerits is known as investigation.
  4. Deliberation: this implies the mental weighing & assessment of merits & consequences of various schemes.
  5. Selection: investigation & deliberation provides the guidelines to select the best alternative for the given situation keeping in view the overall interest of the organization.
  6. Implementation: this is the final stage of decision-making process. The information about the alternative selected is communicated to the concerned people for using it to get the desired result.

 The decision making process can be divided into two categories

  1. Based on judgement & intuition
  2. Based on some quantative methods.

In production management, in most cases a combination of the two approaches is necessary.

  1. Production planning & control.

Production planning & control is the organization & planning of the manufacturing process. It co-ordinates supply & movement of materials & labour, ensures economic & balanced utilization of machines & equipment as well as other activities related with production to achieve the desired manufacturing results in terms of quantity, quality, time & place.

   Production planning implies formulation, co-ordination & determining of activities in a manufacturing system necessary for the accomplishment of desired objectives whereas production control is the process of maintaining a balance between various activities evolved during production planning providing most effective & efficient utilization of resources.

  1. Objectives of production planning & control.
  1. Determining the nature & magnitude of various input factors to manufacture the desired output.
  2. Co co-ordinate labour, machines & equipment in the most effective & economic manner.

  1. Establishing targets & checking these against performance.

  1. Ensuring smooth flow of material by eliminating bottlenecks, if any, in production.
  2. Utilization of under employed resources.

            6.  To manufacture the desired output have right quality & quantity at right time.

  1. Importance of production planning & control.
  1. It reduces the cost of production by minimizing wastage of material & economic utilization of resources.
  2. It leads to lower investment by means of efficient & balanced utilization of resources.
  3. It promotes employee morale by avoiding all sorts of bottlenecks.
  4. It enhances customer satisfaction & confidence.

  1. Structure of production planning & control department.

     The nature of production planning & control department can be divided in three broad categories viz.  Centralized, decentralized & through progress men.

   A centralized production planning & control department is headed by a manager who is responsible to the works manager.

Such a system provides better co-ordination of production & service activities with a better basis for taking corrective action. But a centralized production planning & control department cannot have direct knowledge of the actual conditions in the production system & may not be able to adapt quickly to the changing local conditions. There is also a possibility of clash with areas of line authority.

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     Under decentralized production planning & control system each foreman has his own group working under his authority. In such a setup the foreman is well versed with the local conditions of the environment & can have complete control over work assignments & various operations. But there may not be any co-ordination over the planning & control activities among different departments, which may adversely effect the fulfillment of overall objective.

       Control through progress men consists in placing a number of work orders under the responsibility of a progress man who follows the progress of each order through the ...

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