Discuss the limitations in the use of index data in producing Williamson and Lindert?s results. Comment in reflection on Crafts and Flinn?s criticism.

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Discuss the limitations in the use of index data in producing Williamson and Lindert’s results. Comment in reflection on Crafts and Flinn’s criticism.

There is an on going popularity of using a statistical approach to understanding and interpreting the past.  All approaches to historical study have their limitations, the same applies to quantitive history.  A large amount of historical questions concern growth or decline and fluctuations over a period of time – in our case, living standards during the Industrial Revolution.  Economic historians collect chronological data or time-series in order to make interpretations, create turning points and identify key areas of change in a particular period.  The numerical data in this case is converted into an index.  An index number is the value of a variable shown as a percentage.  This percentage is calculated as a proportion of the value which the variable holds in a base year.  In simple terms, a base year is chosen and has the index value of 100 and every other year is then shown as a percentage of the original base year.  Difficulties and limitations exist with the use of index numbers as we will see below, especially with regards to selecting appropriate base years as well as making decisions about weights in forming a composite index.

The article by Peter Lindert and Jeffrey Williamson ‘English Workers’ Living Standards During the Industrial Revolution: A New Look’ provides new evidence to the standard of living debate in an attempt to offer a clearer representation on workers prosperity after 1750. New wage data and new employment weights make it possible to assess nominal earnings growth from 1755 to1851 for a number of labouring classes: farm labourers, urban workers, white collar and blue-collar workers. New cost of living data, increased by rents make it possible to assess real earnings growth. However, Lindert and Williamson’s use of index data has caused a number of criticisms from a number of economists, namely Flinn and Crafts.  Both Flinn and Crafts are reluctant to challenge the main conclusions within Lindert and Williamson’s article, however they have questioned their choice of years examined and the turning-point year of 1820.  ‘Despite the improvements made by Lindert and Williamson it would be unwise to conclude that the difficulties have all been resolved.’ 

In analysing the article, Flinn discovers that the turning-point of 1820 is inaccurate. Lindert and Williamson’s conclusions are that real wages for many significant classes of workers for whom earnings data are available remained mostly constant between 1755 and 1820, but that thereafter the rise in real wages was rapid, amounting, for some classes of workers, to a doubling by 1850.  These conclusions differ from those arrived at in Flinn’s article of 1974.  Flinn found ‘the rise in real wages to have begun during the period 1810/14, a rather more moderate rise between 1820/24 and 1846/50.’ The differences between their results are not greatly dissimilar; however, they do raise the question of the different approaches they each used to arrive at their conclusions.  Throughout, however, Lindert and Williamson maintain that ‘material gains were even bigger after 1820 than optimists had previously claimed.’

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Flinn argues that Lindert and Williamson’s turning-point in 1820 arises, not so much out of real differences as out of their method of selecting data.  ‘Rather than work from annual money wage series they have selected data relating to a few isolated years.’ They provide statistics for the years 1797, 1808, 1810, 1815, 1819, 1827 and 1835 only, a choice, which Flinn argues, lessens their accuracy and prevents them from seeing the main problems of measurement provided by Flinn himself. He goes on to say that, the fluctuated prices in the period of the French Wars disfigured measurement and therefore ...

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