Issues in Management Accounting AM 326.

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        Enrolment No.: 00054178

        Tutor: Dave Hobbs

        Tutorial Group: Group 1 (Monday)

        George M. Zinkhan and F. Christian Zinkhan stated that since organization has limited resources, it is not possible to invest in all opportunities which are recognized or imagined.  Once a set of promising project has been identified and investigated, it ought to reject some projects and invest in the others.  Under this circumstance, the process of capital budgeting serves to structure the shape of the future of organization.  However, the evidence drawn from prior capital budgeting case studies (e.g. Bower, 1972; March et al., 1988; Butler et al., 1993) shows that the strategic capital investment decision process is a complex, lengthy incremental process in which earlier activities and choices are crucial.  Capital investment decision-making is not just an economy activity, it is also a political activity taking place within a wider context where groups and individuals have vested interests.  Therefore a variety of capital budgeting methods have been proposed to assist manager who engaged in this important planning task.  Alternatively, information such as tax policy, customer taste, competitor, technology, cash flow, environmental uncertainties, finance, interest rate, industry context, etc. are necessary to be considered in making decision in capital budgeting.

        There is no doubt that the expenditures of an organization are made in respect of the expectation of realizing future benefit.  Nevertheless, considerable care should be taken when organization approaches long-term asset investment.  It is because cost commitments of the funds for this significant period of time associated with assets in long-term investment create risk for an organization, since they used up a large proportion of firm’s resources and finance to take this action that is deemed as irreversible once it starts.  Alternatively, they remain even if the asset doesn’t guarantee the anticipated profits and benefits.  As a result, the finance flexibility of the organization would be reduced.  However, capital budgeting, which is a systematic approach, to evaluate an investment in a long-term, or capital, asset.  This is the fundamental concept of capital budgeting which is to focus on the long-term capital investment decision whether its increased cash flows will justify the investment in long-term asset.  In order to understand the concept more clearly, the fundamental elements of capital budgeting analysis should be explicitly clarified.  They are investment and return.  The tools and the methods used in capital budgeting focus on the comparison between either investment and return or cash outflows and cash inflows associated with long-term assets.  After discussing both the fundamental concept and elements in capital budgeting, now we are going to discuss the central concept of capital budgeting that is the time value of money.  Because money can earn a return, its value depends on when it received.  Thus the problem is, investment cash paid out now, and return cash is received in the future.  Either the interest rate increase or the time period before receipt of cash increase will both lead the money received less valuable.  Thinking about it in a simply way, that is £1 received in the future is not equal to £1 received today.  In making investment decisions, accountant necessarily needs an equivalent basis to compare the cash flows that occur at different point of time.

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        For organization to make a more reliable and accurate prediction on whether to invest, it firstly ought to set up an objective strategic or long-term planning.  Then begins with the specification of the objectives towards which future operations should be directed.  The next stage is to identify a range of possible potential course of actions or strategies that might enable company’s objective to be achieved.  Those strategies should be examined in respect of suitability, feasibility and acceptability.  When management has selected the strategic option that has the greatest potential for achieving the company’s objective, long-term plan should be created ...

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