Leading Groups -reflection on team activities.

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Reflective Essay



Reflection has been defined as "consciously looking at and thinking about our experiences, actions, feelings and responses and then interpreting them, in order to learn from them" (Boud et al., 1994). Further to this experience of having worked with my study team, the below tree activities were the most reflective for me since they have taught me and made me realize some peculiarities of a team.  Making teams work effectively is a challenging task towards a common objective.  There is a need for mutual trust and respect and an appreciation of individual weakness and strength.  As Murray, R. et ca ( 1998) commented, there must be a general indicator of synergy during the team interaction process in order to improve satisfaction and task-specific team competence. The development and maintenance of a cooperative environment are essential between the individuals in a team.

Main body.

1 Space ship Dilemma.

To begin with, we started working on the first activity called space ship dilemma. It was a very interesting activity as the members of the newly formed team were unfamiliar with each other, therefore a sense of cautiousness and unease was circulating on all of us. In the beginning, I remembered I was very restrained and anxious because there was no specific guidance on how to allocate the execution of the tasks and the role of each member. Slowly afterwards, some members started sharing their ideas on how to work out the tasks but it was visible that my team experienced difficulties with the distributions of the workload. During the negotiation process, some team members felt overlooked with the tasks given as they were given fewer opportunities to participate while some other members had a more active role in allocating tasks. Evidently, teamwork can be challenging; especially when team building is overlooked and there is ineffective participation of all the members. Bruce Tuckman’s Teamwork Theory (1965) proposes four stages in building an effective team: forming, storming, norming and performing. Undoubtedly, my team faced particular challenges through the initial stage of forming. During the forming stage, members should invest time and effort in building a team.  In this way,  the team members will achieve mutual respect and trust based on individual strengths and weaknesses in terms of task performances. This stimulates the exchange of ideas openly and can create equal opportunities for each individual.  For the first time, I understood that the contribution of ideas from the team members in allocating tasks requires leadership in order to achieve team working and avoid conflicts.  Looking back, I might have overlooked some of the team members' ideas in support of some others without giving opportunities.  After all, the communication of multiple ideas or details is key in achieving problem-solving and task processes during negotiations (Mannix, A.  et ca, 2011).  In future teamwork,  I will encourage the selection of a leader so there will be effective communication between members and allocate tasks based on skills.  In this way,  the leader will establish some ground rules and develop a collective vision.

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2 Alligator River.

In the sequel, we worked on the second activity called “Alligator River.”. It was a challenging task involving two parts: an individual ranking and a group ranking.  The individual ranking was based on your personal opinion but then the group ranking was a collective procedure through a discussion between  team members.  Being part of this team activity revealed that some members are more outgoing while others prefer to be more discreet and observe the situation first before acting. Some members are open to new ideas, in contrast with others that they are conservative. I found myself to be ...

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