Organisational Behaviour. There are many definitions for organizational behavior, but the simplest one is that its the study of human behavior in organizations. As you can see from the definition, organizational behaviour encompasses a wide range of t

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Learning never ends in our life, everyday we learn new things. Many sources in our life to learn new things, we can learn from people, our daily experience, books, our mistakes, university etc...In this documentation I will be talking about organizational behavior, what I learnt from this subject and my experience regarding each topic.

I took this subject before in my degree, and taking it again this semester helped me to recall many information as well learning many new things. This subject is interesting to me because it teaches us new things that we will not only need for our business or job but also for our daily life and how to be an ideal person and understand other people and deal with them. This subject prepares us well to face the real business life in the future.


Topic 1

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

The first Topic I will talk about is the introduction to organizational behavior. There are many definitions for organizational behavior, but the simplest one is that it’s the study of human behavior in organizations. As you can see from the definition, organizational behaviour encompasses a wide range of topics, such as human behaviour, change, leadership, teams, etc. Organizational behavior is also called OB for short. Learning about organizational behavior can help us to develop a better work-related understanding about ourselves and others. The ultimate goal of OB is to improve the performance of people, group, and organizations and to improve the quality of work life overall.

Whenever people interact in organizations, many factors come into play. Modern organizational studies attempt to understand and model these factors. Like all modernist social sciences, organizational studies seek to control, predict, and explain. There is some controversy over the ethics of controlling workers' behavior OB can play a major role in organizational development and success.

I also learnt from this Topic is that organizational behavior is important to management. Regardless of your career direction, the field of organizational behavior will some day become especially important as you try to master the special challenges of working as a manager. Learning organizational behavior is an enduring change in behavior that results from experience. The true learning about organizational behavior involves a commitment to continuous lifelong learning from one’s work and everyday experiences.

From my own experience I know that Organizational Behaviour (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. Organizational studies include the study of organizations from multiple viewpoints, methods, and levels of analysis. It also refers to individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting and also studies whole organizations, how they adapt, and the strategies and structures that guide them. It also includes power, culture, and the networks of individuals and units in organizations and "field" level analysis which study how whole populations of organizations interact.

Topic 2

Personality and perception

The second Topic is about personality and perception. The term personality encompasses the overall combination of characteristics that capture the unique nature of person as that person reacts and interacts with others. Personality combines a set of physical and mental characteristics that reflects how a person looks, thinks, acts, and feels. Sometimes attempts are made to measure a personality with questionnaires or special tests.

There are many types and models of personality, from the ones I learned are type A Personality and type B Personality. Type A personality is explained as always moving, walking, and eating rapidly, feel impatient with the rate at which most events take place, strive to think or do two or more things at once, cannot cope with leisure time, are obsessed with numbers, measuring their success in terms of how many or how much of everything they acquire. Type B Personality is the person that never suffers from a sense of time urgency with its accompanying impatience, feel no need to display or discuss either their achievements or accomplishments unless such exposure is demanded by the situation, play for fun and relaxation, rather than to exhibit their superiority at any cost.

The personality traits are characteristics describing an individual’s behaviour. There are many primary personality traits from these I choose the big five personality traits to list that consist of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. These five traits determine how people usually act or feel in particular situations.

Perception is another topic in this Topic, it means a process by which individuals organizes and interprets their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.  Perception is important because people’s behaviour is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself. The world as it is perceived is the world that is behaviourally important. Through perception, people process information inputs into responses involving feelings and action.

In this topic we study to better understand how people make attributions about events. We don’t see reality, we interpret what we see and call it reality. The attribution process guides our behaviour, regardless of the truth of the attribution. There are some factors influencing perception they are the Perceiver, the Target or Setting and the Situation or Perceived. The stages that involved in processing the information that ultimately determines a person’s perception and reaction are divided into information attention and selection, organization of information, information interpretation, and information retrieval.

Here I will talk about some common kinds of distortion that can make the perceptual process inaccurate and affect the response. They are Selective Perception, people selectively interpret what they see based on their interests, background, experience, and attitudes. Halo Effect, drawing a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic. Contrast Effects a person’s evaluation is affected by comparisons with other individuals recently encountered. Projection, means attributing one’s own characteristics to other people. Stereotyping judging someone on the basis of your perception of the group to which that person belongs

Attribution Theory is when individuals observe behaviour, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. According attribution theory there are three factors influencing this internal of external causes, they are Distinctiveness, does individual act the same way in other situations? Consensus, does individual act the same as others in same situation? Consistency, does the individual act the same way over time? In addition to these three influence, two errors have an impact on internal versus external determination they are, Fundamental Attribution Error which means the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behaviour of others. Self-Serving Bias whish is the tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors.

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From this Topic I think the personality and perception is an important factor. I am type B of personality I always like moving, walking, and but not eating rapidly, feel impatient with the rate at which most events take place, strive to think or do two or more things at once, cannot cope with leisure time, are obsessed with numbers, measuring their success in terms of how many or how much of everything they acquire. As I leaned from this Topic I think to know about perception is important because people’s behaviour is based on their perception of what reality ...

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